雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · Starring Takeda Tetsuya (武田鉄矢), loved by TV audiences but not by the women who populate his world, this hit follows his quest to find a wife. Our unlikely hero fails almost one hundred times before finally meeting a beautiful cellist played by Asano Atsuko (浅野温子). However, still mourning the loss of her fiancé, she too comes ...

  2. 2018年9月22日 · 无路可退的江户幕府,为了避免挨打,只好与之签订了不平等条约《神奈川条約》,开放了两处港口。当然这只是开始。那之后,日本与美国又签订了更为重要的《日美修好通商条约》,与“列强”美荷俄英法签订了《安政五国通商条约》,其中规定了一大批新的开放港口、自由贸易和外国人居留 ...

  3. 2019年11月15日 · 这天一大早我们参观了新开幕的BEAMS JAPAN,整栋大楼呈现BEAMS流行服饰、艺术、文化、饮食等生活层面的造物之美,让人耳目一新收获颇丰。而后从新宿搭乘大江户线直达蔵前(くらまえ),30分钟的车程带我们从流行文化的最前沿,转换到一个为传统职人守护、步调缓慢、却能见得阳光照满街道的 ...

  4. 2017年5月2日 · According to eagle-eyed viewers, there are 36 smooches in total throughout the almost four-minute clip, which averages out to one kiss every six seconds! Public displays of affection are pretty rare in Japan, even among many heterosexual couples. So this video seems to be an encouraging nod to same-sex relationships, even if tame by Western ...

  5. 2019年4月22日 · 回程途中,你还可以贤岛站乘上每天一列往返的岛风快速观光列车,列车可抵达大阪,京都和名古屋。 作为观光列车,岛风快速配备更加齐全,除了单人沙发式坐席,列车还设有最多可坐6人的包厢,还有西式和日式单间包厢。

  6. 2016年12月1日 · Filmmaker Hikaru Toda is working on an intriguing documentary about Fumi & Kazu, who run the first openly gay law firm in Japan. Passionate about justice, the lawyers “know all too well the realities of being different in a homogenous society.”. And while the documentary revolves around the duo, like any legal matter the story is in their ...

  7. 2019年4月22日 · 伊势神宫建于两千多年前,是日本最著名的神社之一,每年光顾的游人超过一千万。对于日本人而言,伊势神宫犹如精神故土,是每个日本人一生必去一次的圣地。 伊势神宫建筑群囊括125座神社,由内殿和外殿组成,日本的太阳神天照大神侍奉于内殿,每个继位的日本天皇都要来此参拜。

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