雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2009年12月31日 · Facing the warm welcome of the market, the company finally determined the bond issuance amount of 750 million USD which set a record, far exceeding the 500 million USD predicted by the market. In last year, the sales situation of Evergrande was good. According to news of the market, the book cash balance of Evergrande had largely increased.

  2. 上會栢誠會計師事務所有限公司. 總辦事處. 中國廣東省廣州市天河區黃埔大道西 78 號. 郵編:510620. 香港營業地點. 香港中環雪廠街2號聖佐治大廈4樓405-7室. 網址. www.evergrande.com.

  3. 2016年1月6日 · A new giant will join the hot Internet finance market. On March 17, Evergrande Internet finance platform "HDFAX" was officially launched. The first batches of short-term financial products in three series were concurrently put on the market. This is also an important layout in the diversified development of Evergrande Group.

  4. 2013年10月30日 · Date:2013.10.30 Publisher:. On October 30, Dalian Dashang Group's delegation headed by president Wang Zhimin came to Evergrande Group for a visit. Xia Haijun, vice-chairman and president of Evergrande Group, interviewed Wang Zhimin and his delegation, the two parties carried out in-depth exchange and extensive discussion with regard to ...

  5. 2016年4月12日 · 根据协议,上海银行向恒大提供200亿授,并与恒大在房地产、金融、医疗健康、互联网社区服务、文体等多产业板块展开全面合作;浦发银行拟向恒大提供350亿授,并与恒大在金融服务领域展开全面合作。

  6. 2009年11月5日 · Evergrande, the real estate giant in South China, is officially listed at the mainboard of Hong Kong Exchange Union today. Its code is 3333.HK. According to reports, Evergrande finally determines to issue 1,610 million shares, which account for 10.8% of the capital stock of the company.

  7. 2016年4月12日 · 恒大集團與浦發銀行簽訂戰略合作協議. 根據協議,上海銀行将爲恒大提供200億綜合授,并與恒大在金融、健康、互聯網社區服務、文體等多元化産業展開全面合作。 浦發銀行與恒大則将在金融服務領域展開全方位合作,并拟向恒大提供350億授。 記者了解到,許家印、夏海鈞此次在北京、上海、深圳會見的機構和企業都是金融業翹楚、實力雄厚。 除民生銀行、上海銀行、浦發銀行三家大型商業銀行外,還有工商銀行、農業銀行、建設銀行、交通銀行、中國人民保險集團、中信集團、中國投資有限責任公司、招商局等中央金融機構和企業,以及中信證券、國泰君安、華夏基金、華安基金等龍頭證券和基金公司,各家金融機構均對恒大企業實力及發展業績表示了高度認可,并表示将繼續與恒大不斷拓展合作空間。