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  1. 2019年12月10日 · A person with a name of Greek origin, Zin is someone that can literally do everything, adapt to any situation and get along with everyone. A very likeable person who will most likely be remembered by anyone who has ever crossed paths with them.

  2. 2021年11月30日 · A bad drug experience. 3. Something that was supposed to be pleasurable but turned out nightmarish. 1. I thought this job was going to be fun, but it turned out to be, like, "Dude, don't take the brown acid ." 2. That chick is the brown acid, but hey, it's up to you. Get the brown acid mug.

  3. 2006年9月7日 · Space Dock Fondue. A variation on the classic "Space Dock", generally reserved for party situations. Here, one female is chosen to serve as the " fondue pot ." One male, who has taken a gentle laxative, shits watery diarrhea into the woman's vagina, thus filling the " space dock fondue pot."

  4. 2020年8月18日 · The ultimate stage of boredom where you type in every letter, number and symbol on the keyboard. Commonly used in math class when the teacher won't shut up. Ugh Sarah, I'm so bored, I think I'm just gonna type `1234567890-= qwertyuiop \ asdfghjkl ;'zxcvbnm,./ in my search bar. by xoxokittygurl January 5, 2019.

  5. 2017年1月29日 · Aura. 1.) A spiritual belief that humans have a color around them that some can see. 2.) The sensation felt before a seizure for those who have epilepsy. You feel as if you're going to have a seizure, but can't always tell someone else that you're having one. Often used on r/epilepsy. 3.) A distinctive and pervasive quality or character. 1.)

  6. 2004年9月12日 · When a group of absolute 'lads' proceed into a night on the town with the sole purpose of seeking or 'hunting' non-aesthetically pleasing (aka munted) individuals. The aim is the be mouth-pleased by as many grateful munters as possible. The winner is the participant with the most dick licks by the stroke of midnight.

  7. 2013年6月9日 · Throw. quicker form of graffiti art usually done with a basic fill, outline 3d and a shell, more of a round style to the letters. Yo i saw my boy cope2 doing a sick ass throw on main. by nahhhhhhhhboyyyyy October 3, 2008. Get the Throw mug.