雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Citibank網上理財 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等

  2. 因應您嘅需要,Citi Mobile® App已全新升級,讓您盡享更快的流動理財新體驗。載入速度更快,全新介面更易操作,分類更簡單清晰,同時安全保障嚴密不變。

  3. 簡單步驟,透過Citi Mobile App輕鬆交稅 預設交稅指示: 繳付及轉賬: 按「 繳付信用卡, 賬單及貸款 」 選擇「 繳付賬單 」,並選取 「 99.稅款、商業登記或印花稅 」。 輸入稅單上之「 收款賬號 」及「 1 」表示繳交稅款後,按「 繼續 」以確定收款戶口登記。 於「 確認新增收款戶口 」頁面按「 繼續 ...

  4. Reminder. Live Smart is currently only available in Chinese. Would you like to continue? I'm interested.

  5. Steps for Installation: Select “System Settings” > “General” > “Apps & Notifications” > “Special Access” > “Install unknown apps” > “File Manager”*. Enable “Allow from this source”*. Click the link to download Android application package (APK). Open the APK file and install. Disable “Allow from this source” after ...

  6. 若果您收到我哋邀請您轉去Citi Plus嘅信件,覺得Citi Plus暫時唔適合您,請喺邀請函內提及嘅「拒絕轉換Citi Plus截止日期」或之前填寫下面簡單資料。. 成功登記後,您嘅戶口將不會轉成Citi Plus。. 會唔會作最後考慮?. 或者對Citi Plus仲有唔明白嘅地方?. 睇睇以下 ...

  7. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses like rent, utilities and telephone bills and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Citi PayAll lets you enjoy better cash flow with up to 58 days pay back period. By setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments again.

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