雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年2月19日 · Graphic designer Kenya Hara and his firm Nippon Design Center have self-initiated a project to release over 250 pictograms—free for anyone to use—in support of tourism in Japan from a visual design perspective.

  2. 姬路城是一座日本的古城池,位於日本兵庫縣,於1346年建造完成,與熊本城、松本城並列日本三大名城之一!. 而姬路城算是日本國內保存最完整的古城,幾乎沒有受到什麼戰爭的摧殘,除了日本國內列為國寶以外,也被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產之一 ...

    • 京都|冬日金閣寺。金閣寺,京都的金色寺廟。夏日十分,在陽光照射下,金閣寺表面那層金箔熠熠發光,十分耀眼。而到了冬天,金閣偶爾會蒙上一層白雪面紗,若隱若現的建築本身含蓄了許多,更顯格調。
    • 富山|大雪谷雪壁。海拔2450米的立山室堂平,可謂是世界上少有的易積雪地帶。每年開春,位於室堂平的北阿爾卑斯山脈路線便開始著手除雪通路了,全長約500米的蜿蜒 雪壁 被稱為「大雪谷」。
    • 長野|雪猴泡湯。歡迎來到 地獄谷(日語為じごくだに,Jigokudani)!由於坐擁地獄谷的高溫弱酸性溫泉,且戶外體感溫度極低,冬日里蒸汽繚繞的景象往往給人一種誤入人間仙境的錯覺。
    • 埼玉|三十槌冰柱。每年隨著冬季來臨,在琦玉縣秩父市區,會有很奇特的氣象現象發生!入冬後,當湍急的瀑布水流變成涓涓細流,因冬季氣溫驟降,能很快形成神奇的冰柱雪景。
  3. 2021年3月3日 · 圖:こざこ森_屋樑整齊編織排列,四周一大片落地窗讓人俯拾即風景(圖片來源:Setouchi Cominca Stays) こざこ森(Kozako-Mori)是一幢依偎綠林而建的老農舍,至今已超過100年歷史。首先,映入眼簾的是陡斜且厚重的茅草屋頂,這是大雪地區典型的建築特色,讓笨重的厚雪不至於加重房屋的負載。

  4. 2019年6月18日 · 1. Oshika (Nagano) When the Alliance of Most Beautiful Village in Japan was formed in October 2005, it included seven villages and towns: Hokkaido’s Biei Town and Akaigawa Village, Yamagata’s Okura Village, Gifu’s Shirakawa Village, Tokushima's Kamikatsu Town, Kumamoto's Minamioguni Town and Nagano’s Oshika Village.

  5. 2019年6月14日 · Ghibli Movies. www.spoon-tamago.com. Eighteen years after the release of Spirited Away in Japan, China is getting an official theatrical release next week. And just as he did with the release of My Neighbor Totoro last year, Chinese designer Huang Hai has worked his magic once again, creating a series of breathtaking posters that make us want ...

  6. 2016年10月3日 · Hase-dera, the Flower Temple. Planetyze Updated October 3, 2016. Temples Temples & Shrines Kamakura. planetyze.com. Hase-dera was constructed on the mountainside with views of both the ocean and the city. The beautiful garden is blooming with hydrangeas and irises all year round and as such, the temple has become acclaimed as the "flower temple."

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