雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 小巧可愛皮薄多汁的櫻桃. https://pixta.jp/photo/16070168. 水果界的紅寶石「櫻桃」,一般生長在較寒冷的地方,而日本最南端的櫻桃產地為山梨縣,縣內的主要產地為山梨市、甲州市、笛吹市和南阿爾卑斯市,產季約在每年5月到6月之間。 常見的櫻桃品種有原產於美國,1872年傳入日本的「高砂」為早品種,其乳白色的果肉,口感柔和且多汁,酸甜度適中,很受歡迎。 由美國金櫻桃與拿破崙櫻桃混合栽培而成,被譽為櫻桃之王的「佐藤錦」,擁有光澤飽滿的橙紅色的外皮,皮薄多汁,帶有細緻甜味與清爽酸味,為日本高級櫻桃品種的代表。 而日本超市中常見的甜度高,酸度低的櫻桃品種「紅秀峰」,則有著鮮紅大顆的外觀,以及米黃色帶有彈力的果肉,為佐藤錦與天香錦櫻桃混合栽培的結晶。

  2. 2017年10月2日 · Seasonality is a big key to Japanese culture as Japan is a country with four clear seasons. This means a consistent climate that's beneficial for Japanese farmers to grow different fruits year round. Considering the different colors and functions of fruits as part of Japanese culture, the following fruits are revered in their respective seasons.

  3. 2020年7月16日 · 常见的水蜜桃品种有早品种的「日川白凤」,果肉洁白,甘甜多汁、纤维含量低,六月下旬就可以抢先品尝到它的美味。 而生产量最多的「 白凤 」品种,被誉为「桃中之王」,拥有饱满鲜红光泽的外观,果肉多、果汁含量高,微酸不腻口的高雅甜味 ...

  4. 2016年4月7日 · If you've ever taught at a Japanese elementary school, this video is sure to bring back memories! School lunch, or kyushoku, is an institution in Japan, with kids in elementary and junior high school receiving healthy, balanced meals at school every day.

  5. 2019年1月23日 · Tonkatsu —the breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet so popular with the masses—was originally one of many Japanese twists on Western recipes imported to Japan, in this case France’s côtelette de veau. Here is the history of tonkatsu according to the first restaurant in Japan to put the dish on its menu.

  6. 2017年3月16日 · 1. 八ツ橋 (Yatsuhashi) 八ツ桥可以算是最能代表京都的甜点了。 外皮是由带着肉桂味的糯米制成,也大致可以分成未经烘烤过的 八桥 (如图)与烘烤过的两种。 内馅的口味除了有经典的红豆味以外,现在也有很多商家会使用巧克力、奶油等其他口味。 八ツ桥那松松软软的口感,绝对让人吃过就会上瘾哦。 - content.time.com (英文) 作者. Jessica Famularo. I’m a freelance writer who has lived in Japan for three-and-a-half years. I cover an eclectic mix of video games, pop culture and travel.

  7. 2015年10月22日 · For me, the term "bento" carries with it a whole lot of tradition that isn't quite as directly connected to the mere words "lunch box." Things such as: * The variety of flavors, textures, food groups and colors. * The compactness of the packing. * Ensuring that the box looks appetizing when opened.

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