雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年5月17日 · 高地 深度旅遊 愛媛 香川 德島 四國地區. pixta.jp. 2021年11月,世界知名旅遊指南《孤獨星球(Lonely Planet)》公佈了2022年推薦旅行目的地名單,日本「四國地區」獲選為最佳地區第6名,也是日本2022年唯一獲選,是什麼樣的魅力,讓四國從全日本、全世界中 ...

  2. All About Cath Lee. Born in Taipei, living in Japan for five years, this writer spreads the latest information on Japan while operating the Facebook page 凱酥の東京側録, which has around 30,000 fans. Fans are treated to Japanese sightseeing information via unique imagery via video blogging.

  3. 2016年8月29日 · Unmasking the World of Kabuki. Kabuki is well-known around the world as one of Japan’s most distinct forms of traditional theater. The elaborate costumes, dramatic makeup and stylized poses have been captivating audiences for more than four centuries, yet when it comes to finding out what goes on behind-the-scenes, very few people have been ...

  4. 2018年3月29日 · As we wait for the next project by Makoto Shinkai—director of the highest-grossing anime film of all time, Your Name —CoMix Wave Films, the anime studio that’s produced the visuals for every one of Shinkai’s movies, has already lined up its next full-length animated feature, Shiki Oriori (Weaving Poems of the Seasons). If you don’t ...

  5. 同樣在吉祥寺取景的還有菅田將暉、桐谷健太主演,改編自搞笑藝人榮獲芥川賞的《火花》,這一部寫實描寫地日本漫才師人前搞笑、人後流淚,在才能與現實之間努力與掙扎十年的故事,與吉祥寺充滿藝術氛圍的完美呼應。

  6. 2020年9月27日 · This huge and complex historical park is an absolute must-see if you're in the area. It is just 45.2 km (28 mi) from Fukuoka and you can easily spend a whole day enthralled in its unique history. This is a fascinating moat-encircled village and ancient ruin site. Dating ...

  7. 與六義園的紅葉一樣,是東京都內屈指可數的賞紅葉(黃葉)景點。. 從青山通往聖德紀念繪畫館的方向望去,猶如進入畫中一般的景色,吸引許多旅客流連忘返,沈醉在迷人的金黃色澤之中。. ・歷年平均紅葉期:11月下旬~12月上旬. ・地址: 東京都港區北青山2 ...