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  1. Professor Yu is member of several expert advisory panels of the HKSAR Government to support priority-setting for research funding and aged care policy. She also acts as consultant to support aged service development in the flagship NGOs in Hong Kong.

  2. The Sau Po Centre on Ageing is a leading research centre on gerontology in greater China and in the Asian Pacific region. The Centre was officially launched in April 1999 under the auspices of the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong.

  3. Professor CHOW, Yin-man Amy. Professor Chow is Head and Professor in Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong. She is a registered social worker with the specialization in bereavement counseling. She was the former Centre Director and founder of the Jessie and Thomas Tam Centre of the Society for the ...

  4. 研究結果證實,有效改善長者抑鬱情緒和提升靈性健康,即使面對社會環境轉變,長者依然能夠保持身心健康,重新建構生命意義,活出不一樣的人生。 積極面對新常態 譜寫生命新篇. 香港大學秀圃老年研究中心總監樓瑋群教授表示:「抑鬱情緒是長者常見的精神健康問題之一,相信是次創新研究成果,能為長者服務業界提供有實證基礎的介入手法。 同工經過了解和學習「舞動耆跡 X 福樂滿心」介入手法,定能為減低長者抑鬱症狀及提升長者靈性健康作出貢獻。 」參與實驗組的長者對此介入手法的評價甚高。 他們透過小組學習「身體動作」介入技巧,學懂如何釋放負面情緒,增強自我調節情緒能力,即使面對疫情及變幻莫測的社會環境,也懂得調節心境應對不如意的事情,走出情緒困擾。

  5. Professor Vivian W. Q. Lou has been at the University of Hong Kong for more than 20 years and has been the Director of the Sau Po Centre on Ageing since 2015. She is also the professor and the program director of Master of Social Sciences in Gerontology at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration.

  6. 2023年3月18日 · Kowloon Park Fitness Trail Intergenerational Play Space. Nov, 2020. 樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會. Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit. (CoA as Supporting Organization) Oct, 2020. 第五屆「安老服務傑出員工選舉」. (CoA as Supporting Organization) Aug, 2020.

  7. www.ageing.hku.hk › researchResearch - SPCOA

    To guide our studies to development direction, we have identified several strategic research focuses by theme: Long-term care, Meaningful ageing, Ageing-in-place, Active and healthy ageing, Age-friendly city, Social Determinants of well-being.

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