雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Guidebooks and application forms relating to foreign domestic helpers Action Plan to Tackle Trafficking in Persons and to Enhance Protection of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong Before Applying

  2. 承諾書. 違規行為. 徵款. 審核所需時間. 常見問題. 相關網站. 相關主題. 有關外籍家庭傭工的申請表及指南. 打擊販運人口及加強保障外籍家庭傭工行動計劃.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2 天前 · Last Updated: 24/05/2024. Immigration Department. Visa and Policies Branch. Visa Control (Operations) Division. Visa Control Sub-division (B) Foreign Domestic Helpers Section. Remarks: 1.For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code "852" before the telephone number (not applicable to overseas offices).

  5. You can use this online service if you wish to apply for an entry visa to work in Hong Kong as a newly hired foreign domestic helper. However, you are not eligible to use the service if: (1) you are physically present in Hong Kong at the time of collection of visa label; (2)

  6. 網上申請新聘外籍家庭傭工的入境簽證. 分享: 當你閱畢以下指示並備妥申請文件後,便可點擊以下連結以使用這項網上服務。 這並不是延長逗留期限的申請。 如你現時身在香港,你仍受訂明的逗留條件(包括逗留期限)所規限。 網上申請入境簽證. 申請提示. 使用這項網上申請服務前, 請預先把所需證明文件儲存為JPEG,PDF,GIF,PNG或TIF格式的檔案 ,使申請流程更快捷。 誰可使用此服務. 如你打算申請入境簽證、以新獲聘的外籍家庭傭工的身份來工作,便可使用這項網上服務遞交入境簽證申請。 惟下列人士 不適合 使用這項服務: 傭工在來香港特區前必須持有適當簽證。

  7. Who is eligible to hire an FDH? Where to look for FDHs? How much will it cost to hire an FDH? What is the scope of duties of an FDH? Are there any restrictions? What are employers’ obligations under labour legislation, Race Discrimination Ordinance and taxation? When and how should I notify the Immigration Department when terminating the contract?

  1. 其他人也搜尋了