雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Latest Offers. Stay tuned for Promise's latest information and offers. Easy and quick application can be made online with instant initial approval and fund transfer. Solve your cash flow needs anytime.

  2. Applying for a loan is now hassle-free! Additionally, Promise provides around-the-clock loan service, allowing you to enjoy online loan services late at night or on the weekends, with instant loan approval ⦿ and loan transfer ^. Even in urgent situations, you'll have a quick loan solution.

  3. 打開單位內所有水龍頭一分鐘,檢查來去水的顏色、水壓和水量,尤其是舊樓. 確保所有插座均有電源,而每個電源的開關掣都運作正常. 檢查爐頭可否正常運作. 多開幾次門窗,檢查順暢度、螺絲位、窗鉸和防水膠邊是否緊閉. 確保門鎖上鎖無誤,避免過鬆或過緊的情況,亦要注意關門後的門縫大小. 留意天花、冷氣、木地板和牆身等高危漏水位,有否隆起或發黑等發霉痕跡. 檢查有沒有具備入屋寬頻,特別是不少村屋可能仍未有光纖入屋. 徹底檢查門框附近有沒有木屑,皆因蟻窩一般都會藏在裏面. 留意走廊、後樓梯甚至鄰居門口的衛生狀況,見微知著,可以反映住戶質素. 租樓注意事項三:大廈配套.

  4. 傳承專業知識 以客戶至上為原則. 邦民香港是日本消費者金融行業之其中最具規模之一的 SMBC Consumer Finance (下稱SMBCCF)的100%全資子公司。. 邦民香港傳承了SMBCCF在日本財務行業多年關於授信管理、債權管理、營運管理和市場管理等各方面的知識及經驗。. 邦民 ...

  5. Debtors should always consider other available repayment schemes for settling credit card debts, such as IVA, DRP or balance transfer plans offered by banks and financial institutions. This article will discuss the pros and cons of these options.

  6. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework.

  7. 4 Steps for Card Debt Consolidation. Step 1 - Clarify the total amount of card debts. If you have multiple credit cards, understanding the number of credit card accounts in debt and the total amount of card debts could help to find out the most suitable method for repayment. Step 2 - Understand the need for debt consolidation.