雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. PLAY, LEARN AND MASTER (PLM) Learn Phonics The Fast Way. We offer fast-paced phonics programmes for young learners from 1.5 years old to 7 years old. If your child doesn’t love reading yet, rest assured. We’re here to turn children into book lovers.

  2. Phonics Land offers fast-paced phonics programmes for young learners from 1.5 years old to 7 years old. If your child doesn't love reading yet, rest assured.

  3. The goal of teachers at Phonics Land is to guide students to learn through Play, Learn & Master (PLM), which we would like to pass on to as many children as possible. “As teachers, we are very careful not to teach our children that there is only one way to get to the right answer.

  4. Our students at Phonics Land are taught to use simple yet effective strategies to facilitate learning. With PLM focusing on capturing students’ interest, maintaining their curiosity and creating step-by-step approaches towards learning reading and spelling, we ensure continuous progress of all our students.

  5. Phonics Land發展雖然緩慢但發展的每一步均能確保優良的教學質素 由過去至今的 14年間,Phonics Land 並沒有強行擴展中心的規模或服務的範圍。 事實上,在本校成立的首 5年,我甚至沒有想過聘請及培訓其他導師。

  6. Words from the PLM Founder - Phonics Land Learning Centre. PLM創辦人的話. 我們的PLM創辦人Bea Koo在香港出世,她的成長過程中曾於5個不同國家生活和讀書。 她明白到用簡單易學的方法學習新語言和發音,在現今社會對此有急切的需求。 於是,她決定用自己學習6種語言的經驗和方法,創造一套新教學讓任何小朋友都可用上的簡單步驟學習閱讀和寫作。 Bea 對語言發展的熱誠造就了PLM教學。 Miss Koo 的18年教育路上,她從不同的權威性機構得到多個專業證書、執照和資格。 她從哈佛大學,Dr Thomas Kane獲取TESOL,TBE和TEFL資格,令她有機會周遊列國,向超過20,000名學生教授英語拼音。

  7. The PLM Curriculum and PLM Books .ugb-d968fe6 .ugb-feature-grid__item{border-radius:16px !important}.ugb-d968fe6 .ugb-img,.ugb-d968fe6 Skip to content Phonics Land (852) 2576 2333 Phone Facebook WhatsApp Typhoon or Bad Weather Arrangement