雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在提交申請前,您必須完全明白產品所涉及的風險,以及考慮產品是否適合您的個人需要及負擔能力。. 本計劃由中國人壽 (海外)承保,中國銀行 (香港)有限公司(「中銀香港」)以中國人壽 (海外)之委任保險代理機構身份分銷人壽保險產品,有關人壽保險產品 ...

  2. BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) has specially launched Forever Wellbeing Whole Life Plan (“the Plan”), a plan combining wealth growth and critical illness protection, a lifelong protection to yourself and your loved ones.

  3. 承保機構:香港年金有限公司. 香港年金計劃(「此計劃」)* 由香港年金有限公司承保,在你繳付整付保費後,向你(作為年金領取人)提供穩定的保證每月年金金額。. 透過將你的一筆過現金轉化成穩定及終身的現金流,你可以更好地計劃退休生活。. 本行現 ...

  4. 配合員工未雨綢繆. 退休計劃:為保障員工退休後的生活,我們提供公積金及強積金計劃供員工選擇. 人壽及意外保險:員工可獲得壽險及意外險的保障.

  5. Underwritten by China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited (“China Life (Overseas)”), Vertex Insurance Plan (Single Pay) (the “Plan”) provides guaranteed cash value and non-guaranteed terminal dividend (if any) which facilitate long-term wealth accumulation, together with policy split option, you can split the policy as your needs ...

  6. To cater for your evolving needs along your life journey, the Plan offers enhanced life protection particularly at important stage of life, safeguarding yourself and your loved ones with total peace all the way and paving the way to an enjoyable life with all your future plans.

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