雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月21日 · 東京春季旅遊指南. Updated: February 21, 2024. 春季氣候穩定,正是造訪東京的絕佳時機之一. 春季的東京百花盛開,景色最美。 櫻花盛開的公園和道旁樹被染成粉色的時期,隨著氣溫回升,人心也跟著雪融解。 這個季節除了絕對不能錯過的櫻花景緻外,東京還有許多其他花卉競相盛開。 此時期舉辦的祭典、活動及時令美食,都是讓您著手計畫東京旅遊的最好理由。 旅遊指南. 春季是一年之中訪日遊客最多的時期,建議您盡早安排住宿。 4月下旬至5月上旬的日本黃金週假期,旅行與住宿費用有可能會大幅上漲。 許多東京的知名活動均在春季舉辦,如大相撲春場所等。 氣候整體而言相當穩定,不過偶爾也有雨天或有微微出汗的氣溫上升,請事先做好準備。 徜徉粉色世界.

  2. 2019年10月11日 · 1. 兩條電車路線交會的車站. 下北澤站. 下北澤距離澀谷與新宿都很近,搭乘京王井之頭線或小田急小田原線即可抵達。 這兩條電車路線交會通行,一條為高架鐵路,另一條則通往地下。 逛街時建議從車站南口出發。 2分鐘. 在商店街四處品嚐美食. 下北澤南口商店街. 這條熱鬧的商店街匯集了咖啡廳、酒吧及風格獨特的有趣商店,為逛街漫遊的好去處。 二手商店前面擺滿了古著等商品,一眼就能看出是什麼店。 4分鐘. 3. 從維多利亞風格到1980年代的服飾,各種商品一應俱全. 挖寶尋珍. 下北澤幾乎沒有找不到的東西。 車站周邊有二手和服商店;車站南側則有販售1960到70年代服飾的「Grand Bazaar」,以及擺滿精美飾品的男裝專賣店「Grapefruit Moon」,不妨到店內看一看。 7分鐘. 4.

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  3. 在復古的甜品鋪品嘗日式甜點. 交通方式. 從東京站前往搭乘JR線53分鐘至鎌倉或搭乘JR線約40分鐘至大船轉乘湘南單軌列車約15分鐘至湘南江之島站後再轉乘江之島電鐵23分鐘至鎌倉。 從新宿站前往:搭乘JR線湘南新宿線往逗子方向的直達列車58分鐘至「鎌倉」站,或搭乘小田急江之島線至「藤澤」站轉乘江之島電鐵前往(所需時間:約1小時30分鐘,沿途可欣賞風景)。 到禪寺體驗坐禪. 屬於大乘佛教宗派的禪宗有個修行方法,就是藉由端正姿勢達到精神統一的「坐禪」。 鎌倉許多頗具歷史的寺廟都會舉辦坐禪會供一般民眾參加,而日本最古老禪寺之一的建長寺還推出可供外國人體驗的坐禪會。 ©KENCHOJI. 巡遊鎌倉名勝. 鎌倉的神社與寺廟為數眾多,可能無法一一走訪。

  4. 2019年6月17日 · 和三盆是一款顆粒細緻風味高雅的砂糖通常用於製作高級日式甜點而法式杏仁奶凍則是採用牛奶鮮奶油及杏仁製成的法國傳統甜點。 店內所有刨冰皆使用日光天然冰製作,最後更加上了馬卡龍作為裝飾。

    • A Magical Sight to Behold
    • Central Tokyo
    • Southern Tokyo
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    • Outlying Area

    A visit to Tokyo in late March or early April isn't complete without a hanami (flower-viewing) session to see Japan's iconic cherry blossoms, or sakura. If you can't get enough of these tiny, delicate blossoms in daytime, they're just as lovely at night. During cherry blossom season, many parks and gardens—and even some neighborhoods—light up their...

    Chiyoda Sakura-matsuri Festival

    Photo courtesy of Chiyoda City Tourism Association The cherry tree-lined path along the banks of the Chidori-ga-fuchi Moat is a sight to behold. Some 260 trees, mainly of the famous Somei Yoshino variety, bloom along the 700-meter-long walkway, forming what looks like a tunnel of cherry blossoms. At night, the illuminated blossoms and the buildings in the Marunouchi business district, complement each other beautifully. The Chidorigafuchi boating area is open until late night during the Chiyod...


    Sakura Fes Nihonbashishowcases sakura in many ways. Restaurants and shops all over the Nihonbashi area offer special sakura-themed food and products for a limited time. These spring and cherry blossom-themed items include a wide range of sweets, snacks, bento lunch boxes, and other goods. During the day, you can see light pink curtains covering shop entrances and pink banners hanging from lamp posts. At night, historical buildings like the Mitsui Main Building are illuminated in soft pink lig...

    Nakameguro Sakura-matsuri Festival

    Nakameguro is a low-key but chic neighborhood full of trendy restaurants and shops. The Meguro River flowing through this residential district is one of Tokyo's most famous spots for cherry blossom-viewing. Some 800 trees lining a 3.8-kilometer-long stretch form a pale pink arch over the river—a gorgeous sight that makes for lovely photos. During the Nakameguro Sakura-matsuri Festivalin early April, this quiet neighborhood comes alive as the trees between Saikachi-bashi Bridge and Nanbu-bashi...


    Photo from past event The area around Tokyo Midtown has around 100 cherry trees, most of which are of the Somei Yoshino variety. Together with the cherry trees in nearby Hinokicho Park, they make for some amazing spring scenery. The blossoms on Sakura-dori Street are illuminated at night, making for a romantic view in the heart of Tokyo. The lights change colors throughout cherry blossom season. Every year, Tokyo Midtown holds an event called Midtown Blossomto celebrate cherry blossom season....

    Weeping cherry in a feudal lord's garden

    Rikugien is the perfect example of an Edo period Japanese garden. It was constructed in 1702 by Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu, a feudal lord and vassal to the shogun (military commander), who was inspired by the picturesque scenes in waka poetry. On the flatlands of the former Musashino region, Yanagisawa dug ponds and built hills to create a classic example of a luxurious garden, worthy of a feudal lord. Walking past the front gate within the gardens brings into view an impressive 70-year-old shidare...

    Sumida Park Cherry Blossom Festival

    Image credit by Taito City Located along the picturesque Sumida River, Sumida Park is a wonderful place to view cherry blossoms at night. The park is home to over 500 cherry trees of the Somei-yoshino, Oshima and Sato-zakura varieties. It also boasts a fantastic view of the TOKYO SKYTREE. From late March to early April, the annual Sumida Park Cherry Blossom Festivaltakes place at the park. The cherry trees are illuminated at night during the festival, so visitors can appreciate their beauty e...

    Inokashira Park

    Inokashira Parkspreads across 36 hectares on the border between Musashino City and Mitaka City. The park is home to around 500 sakura trees, with 250 trees of the Somei-yoshino and Yamazakura varieties blooming around Inokashira Pond. The area is lively during the day, and you can ride a boat on the pond while looking at the cherry blossoms. At night, the illuminated sakura are beautifully reflected in the pond's surface. Click here for more information about western Tokyo

    Yomiuriland Jewellumination®

    The annual "Yomiuriland Jewellumination" event at the Yomiuriland amusement park runs from autumn to spring. Motoko Ishii, a world-famous lighting designer, designs the jewel-like LED illuminations that decorate the park during this event. In spring, a 180-m-long row of sakura trees is beautifully lit up. The park's gorgeous combination of cherry blossoms and jewel-like illuminations can't be seen anywhere else. Click here for more information about Tokyo's outlying areas

  5. 2024年2月13日 · New & Trending. 在「豐洲 千客萬來」體驗江戶時代的美食、購物、悠閒. 豐洲 千客萬來. added on : February 13, 2024. 填海造陸的豐洲是知名築地魚市場於2018年搬遷的地點,而「豐洲 千客萬來」於2024年2月1日在其附近正式開幕營業。 這座新設施以江戶時代為主題,特色為使用東京多摩地區木材搭建的木造建築,以及淡路島的燻瓦。 設施進駐了運用豐洲新鮮漁獲及食材的各色餐廳、販賣店,以及24小時營業的水療設施等。 「豊洲 千客万来」於2024年2月1日開業. 「千客萬來」意指眾多來客熙來人往,絡繹不絕。 以下就來看看豐洲 千客萬來朝氣蓬勃的氣氛。 豐洲 千客萬來緊鄰豐洲市場,是由「豐洲場外 江戶前市場」及「東京豐洲 萬葉俱樂部」兩大區域構成。

  6. 2019年6月4日 · 由3大傳統建築群構成的世界遺產. 日光東照宮、日光二荒山神社及日光山輪王寺以「日光的神社寺廟」之名被登錄為聯合國世界遺產。 雖然每處都很出色而不辱世界遺產美名,但最有名的即是日光東照宮。 與簡樸風格的其他大部分神社不同,日光東照宮擁有典雅豪華、絢麗奪目的鮮豔裝飾。 ©Nikko-zan RIN-NOJI Temple. 山岳、湖泊、瀑布等豐富的大自然. 日光的魅力可不是只有神社寺廟,能盡情享受大自然的賞景名勝也是一絕。 除了高達97公尺的華嚴瀑布之外,位於奧日光的國立公園中禪寺湖也備受民眾喜愛,從湖旁還能仰望名峰──男體山。 這座山春季新綠鮮潤、秋季紅葉絢爛,一年四季都有不同色彩。

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