雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 家居裝修 相關

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  1. JEREME LEUNG. 新加坡主厨梁子庚 13 岁在香港的厨房里从底层做起,开启其烹饪生涯。. 在他的职业生涯中,他娴熟掌握了中国烹饪的四大基石,即点心、叉烧、炒菜和刀工。. 他继续在东南亚某些最著名的酒店磨练手艺,这引领他于 20 世纪 90 年代踏上了穿越中国的 ...

  2. 藝 yì by Jereme Leung. “回到故土新加坡,在具有标志性的新加坡莱佛士酒店藝 YÌ 餐厅掌勺,对我而言是一个独一无二的机会。. 就像这家传承悠久的标志性酒店一样,我为能在此展示中国丰饶的地方传统美食感到兴奋,这些美食在中国域外很罕见。. 游历了世界十 ...

  3. Flambeed Salt-baked South African 10-head Abalone in Lotus Leaf with Japanese Kombu Sauce & Trio of Colourful Turnips

  4. 打包一系列梁子庚藝 YÌ 餐厅的教人沉醉的当代中式菜肴,将新加坡莱佛士体验带到自家桌上。. 品尝诸如精致点心拼盘和美味牛颊、牛筋、牛尾、高粱酒和红酒等招牌美食。. 只需在您打算到酒店取餐的 45 分钟前点餐,之后就让我们屡屡获奖的厨师为您备餐 ...

  5. Use of cookies by 藝 YÌ You are advised that 藝 YÌ uses cookies or other tracers on its website www.yi-restaurant.com.sg. These tracers may be installed on your ...

  6. 2021年9月17日 · JEREME LEUNG. Singaporean Chef Jereme Leung began his culinary career at the age of 13, starting from the ground up in kitchens of Hong Kong. Throughout his career, he has mastered all four cornerstones of Chinese cooking ranging from dim-sum, Chinese barbecue, wok-cooking to knife work.

  7. 联系我们 For enquiries and bigger groups, please contact us at +65 6337 1886 or email us at yi@raffles.com

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