雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 惠比壽花園廣場位於JR山手線東京地下鐵日比谷線惠比壽站的步行範圍內歡迎從歐風的建築物寬敞的廣場路面石磚庭園以及法式城堡獲得靈感

  2. 有明花園是集結了購物中心劇場飯店溫泉SPA等的商業設施購物中心內約有200間店流行服飾電器產品餐飲等應有盡有遊客可在SPA或溫泉愜意放鬆也可在飯店渡過一晚。 若想享受娛樂,也能到有明四季劇場欣賞戲劇及音樂劇。 另外還會舉辦其他活動與工作坊,詳情請見官網。 此設施於2020年在鄰近羽田機場的東京灣區開幕,往返機場或市中心皆相當方便,附近還有彩虹大橋和著名的築地場外市場。 旅遊指南. 可搭乘往返於有明花園及羽田機場花園的免費接駁巴士. 在國內外的熱門商店購物. 在各種活動空間參加活動或工作坊. 擁有約200間店的購物中心是這座設施的亮點,其中還有好幾處能俯瞰大片綠地的露臺,相當吸引人。

  3. 2023年10月6日 · Kiyosumi Gardens is a fine example of a Japanese strolling-style landscape garden, home to several bird species, fish and turtles, as well as Japanese black pines and seasonal flowers, centered around a large pond.

    • Non-Stop Fun at The Gateway to Japan
    • Luxury and Comfort, Just A Step Away
    • Outstanding Shopping and Dining
    • Haneda Airport Garden

    Let the fun begin the minute you get off your flight at Tokyo’s new Haneda Airport Garden complex, set to open in January 2023. Haneda Airport Garden is directly accessible from Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) Terminal 3. It is equipped with two high-end hotels, a rooftop hot-spring bath with views of Mt. Fuji, more than 60 shops, and ...

    After a tiring flight, two Villa Fontaine hotels will be waiting to welcome you from December 21, 2022. Hotel Villa Fontaine Grand has 1,557 high-grade rooms. Special options include Japanese-style tatami rooms and dedicated guestrooms for ladies. Hotel Villa Fontaine Premier, with 160 rooms, offers a touch of luxury, with spacious suites overlooki...

    Haneda Airport Garden features 60 different shops selling fashion, electronics, makeup, and countless unique souvenirs that will impress family and friends. Take a stroll around the Haneda Collection shopping alley for the newest fashion trends or visit “Japan Promenade” for traditional goods and souvenirs. You'll also find drugstores and convenien...

    For updated information on opening hours, days closed, prices, and more, please check the official website.

  4. 2023年10月6日 · You'll find the lush green surrounds of The Former Kusuo Yasuda House and Garden located an approximately seven-minute walk from Sendagi Station. It's a one-of-a-kind, two-story home that combines traditional Japanese design with western influences. You can enter on Wednesdays and Saturdays and wander through the expansive rooms of this ...

  5. 2023年9月21日 · 澀谷站周邊目前正在進行大規模的再開發工程,而於2019年11月開業的「 SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE 」是澀谷地區最高的大型複合式設施,樓高約達230公尺。 從瞭望設施「SHIBUYA SKY」看出去,就能以全景方式將澀谷有名的對角線行人穿越道,以及東京鐵塔、東京晴空塔等景緻盡收眼底,有時甚至還能看見富士山。 照片提供:SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE. 照片提供: SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE. 可免費參觀的瞭望台. 可以欣賞東京美景的地方為數不少;至於沒有用餐或購物需求,抑或是不想購買門票的人也不用擔心,東京的很多大樓或商業設施內皆設有瞭望台,以下就為您介紹其中幾座可免費入場的設施。 東京都廳.

  6. 啤酒花園高尾山Beer Mount位於海拔500公尺的東京最高處。 特點是白天能在開放的空間一覽遍布於藍天下的高樓大廈群,夜間則可仰望浩瀚星空。 這裡設有壯觀景色就在眼前展開的露台席、可近距離親近森林樹木的花園席,以及室內的大廳席,提供各種不同的 ...

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