雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · When you first arrive in Japan with all your luggage, it may be tempting to travel around carrying around all your things with you wherever you go. But check out these alternatives to help you travel light and make the best of your trip here!

  2. 日語中有個詞來形容體重過重的人群,叫DEBU(デブ),於是胖子租賃服務就被稱作Debu Kari(デブカリ)。1小時平均收費約2千日元,即可以找到一個胖子朋友,陪吃陪玩陪聊天等等。 運營這樣服務的公司除了提供胖子租借服務外,也持續招聘更多的胖子,要求應聘者原則是體重100kg以上的成年人 ...

  3. 2021年5月7日 · 遺物整理代勞服務從字面上就能理解是專門整理過世者遺物的服務主要的工作包含有單純的遺物整理生活用品傢俱家電到私人用品和收藏等的)、遺體搬運及事後的清掃孤獨死現場的清理等特殊清掃服務垃圾屋及周邊環境的清理以及生前遺物整理包含不要物品的清理生前財產處理私人物品及資料的處理以及製作遺囑等等。 日本社會因人際關係相對疏離,繭居族或單身居住者(含年輕世代)眾多,許多人與家人之間可能多年都無往來,直到孤獨死於住處才被人發現,而獨居老人的人口比例亦高,遺物整理代理服務在日本是相對盛行的產業。 關於這一項服務因為涉及到個人隱私,有時也會需要面對有遺體(多為孤獨死)的現場清理,因此需要相對專業的知識技術和心理素質,並非一般兼職打工可勝任。 掃墓代勞服務(墓参り代行)

  4. 2017年8月3日 · Using the ili Translator in Rural Japan. Head outside of the big cities of Japan and you might notice the number of English speakers starts to decline, giving me a good chance to try out the ili translation device. From Onomichi in Hiroshima Prefecture to Imabari in Ehime Prefecture, let's see how it worked with the local residents in the ...

  5. 2019年3月18日 · 1. 2. I live in Kawasaki, but I work in the AAJ office now as the English editor. I spend most of my free time studying, reading comics, watching movies and gaming (video, board tabletop). I love to travel, eat good food and drink. Whether you're visiting for the first time or staying for a while, these simple phrases can help you get around in ...

  6. 2016年11月14日 · The Willer Bus Pass is considerably cheaper than the Japan Rail Pass, especially if you travel on overnight buses to save on hotel/hostel costs. It’s best if you are want to mainly check out the big cities or tourist destinations, as the bus routes only go to these kind of places. You can buy a pass online at Willer Express.

  7. 2017年10月16日 · You can also use Loppi machines to for sports tickets, online shopping and a number of other services, such as advanced purchase of DVDs and gift items, and applications for certification tests. Below, we'll outline some of the most common tickets you can get on the machine—including how to get them even if you don't read Japanese!