雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 位於國立市的「谷保天滿」是東日本最古老的天滿,擁有超過一千年以上的歷史,社內因為保有武藏野地方風貌的叢林,被選為東京都的天然紀念物。 雖然距離東京市中心比較遠,但仍然有許多學生前來參拜,在新年初詣的時候更有超過15萬的參拜人潮。 除了祈福靈驗的考試合格御守與繪馬之外,谷保天滿還有號稱日本第一可愛的御朱印帳,粉嫩配色與梅花設計,吸引不少女性前來。 谷保天滿. 官網| http://www.yabotenmangu.or.jp/ 交通|JR南武線『谷保站』徒步3分鐘. 【千葉・野田】櫻木神社.

  2. 2020年10月14日 · Entertainment. > Pop Culture. Japan’s Golden Age of TV: Trendy 90s Dramas. Elizabeth Sok Updated October 14, 2020. Japanese TV J-Pop Retro Japan. upload.wikimedia.org. Welcome to the 1990s, when Japanese TV drama ratings were high and the programming reflected the first wave of vast social shifts that accompanied the bursting of the Bubble Economy.

  3. 2017年10月3日 · For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship. However, if you make your way back past the rear shrine buildings, you’ll find a scene of ethereal beauty.

  4. 2019年1月23日 · The empress of Japan set them the task to bring back the methods needed to jumpstart women’s education in Japan. The youngest, Umeko Tsuda, was just six years old at the time. For Janice Nimura this episode encapsulates the topsy-turvy nature of the Meiji Period (1868-1912), noting that the effects of Eastern and Western cultural currents ...

  5. 東京大神是第一間將婚禮舉辦在神社的創始神社,因為這日本首創的神前結婚式因而遠近馳名,自然成為了求姻緣的絕佳聖地,主祀太陽女神「天照大神」,以及掌管姻緣的「造化三神」與絕世女神「倭比賣命」。東京大神的戀愛籤詩也總是能夠一語驚醒夢中人!

  6. 2014年7月7日 · Get nine of them for ¥810! 1. Tokyo Honey Sugar — Yokumoku. There’s a reason these sweet treats have come out on top. Infused with honey syrup and made using a longstanding recipe, the Tokyo Honey Sugar is part cookie, part waffle, and all delicious. Be sure to pick up a box of six for only ¥594!

  7. 2020年6月16日 · Shrines in Japan are cooling off from the summer heat by taking the art of flower arrangement to a whole new level. While hanachouzu isn’t necessarily a new trend, and there exist multiple shrines which practice it every year with novel arrangements, it’s understandable how pictures showing the delicate balance of bright blooms floating on clear pristine water have taken over Japanese Twitter.