雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Jockey Club. LI LAN-SANG. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated that 60% of all horses had Chinese owners.

  2. Born on 12 July 1957, Ricky was a contemporary of Tony Cruz in the first- ever class at the Beas River Apprentice's School in the early 1970s, although he did not enjoy anything like Cruz's success in the saddle. For Yiu it was ...

  3. Hong Kong Jockey Club. BASIL MARCUS. The former South African jockey came to Hong Kong in 1990 and proved an instant success, becoming a great favourite with local racing fans. He served as retainer jockey for two leading trainers, first Ivan Allan, then David Hayes. During 12 seasons riding in Hong Kong, he was champion jockey seven times.

  4. 馬會在政府撥予島南區偌大土地上,先後斥資3.9億元興建及優化以教育為主題的香港海洋公園。 自1977年1月開幕以來,海洋公園已成為亞洲頂級旅遊景點之一,每年平均入場人次逾500萬。

  5. 促進社區健康. 初期發展 – 杜絕傳染病. 戰後,大量內地移民湧,令本已薄弱的醫療系統受壓;生活環境擠迫,更導致各種傳染病迅速擴散。 五十年代,馬會資助專治可致命的肺結核病的律敦治療養院擴建新翼,又撥款興建喜靈洲痲瘋治療中心,杜絕痲瘋病蔓延。 出生率上升,產房不敷應用。 馬會資助重建那打素醫院何妙齡大樓,並於六十年代創立婦產科及助產學院,又捐助贊育醫院,充實其婦產科設備。 為配合市區和新市鎮人口不斷增加,馬會持續撥款興建逾20間診所,並為離島居民提供水上診所服務。 抗戰勝利後,大量移民來港. 馬會有份開辦的醫院. 1/10.

  6. 馬會是全港十大僱主之一,聘用的全職及兼職員工人數達2.5萬人;僱用的兼職僱員人數,約佔全港兼職人數11%。 而賽馬活動更為本地各行各業創造可觀數目的間接職位,受惠人士不勝枚舉。

  7. 125年來,馬會與香港一起成長,竭盡所能推動社會建設,促進香港成為國際大都會。據載香港的賽馬活動,由1841年時居港的英國人傳入。及後殖民地政府填平黃泥涌沼澤地段建造永久馬場,即跑馬地馬場。香港第一場有紀錄之賽馬於1846年舉行。