雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is a 100% wholly owned overseas subsidiary of SMBC Consumer Finance (hereinafter "SMBCCF"), one of the leading consumer finance institutions in Japan. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management ...

  2. 電話借錢要注意風險. 只要身份證及電話,無需見面電話數就即批借錢? 電話借錢要注意風險. 更新日期 2022.04.30. 為了累積財富,近年不少人都會選擇加入投資市場。 但全球經濟環境變幻莫測,股票市況波動不斷,經常突然大幅上落。 在這個股市大時代,遇上突發事件,可能讓您突然需要現金應付緊急支出。 李先生是一位兼職送貨員在近期持續低迷的股市中連環投資失利。 甚至連基本的開支都負擔不起,又不敢跟親人坦白借錢,唯有向財務公司借錢周轉。 為了應急,他嘗試經二線及三線財務公司以電話借錢周轉,這次他會與我們分享自己的親身經驗。 據李先生所說,他當初急於周轉並擔心自己未能符合貸款要求,若向銀行或一線財務公司借錢,未必能及時獲得快速的貸款批核。

  3. How Promise protects you online. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Limited ("Promise") ensures your online transactions are safe and secure. As a financial service provider, Promise is used to thinking about security. Promise uses industry standard security technology and practices to safeguard your account from any unauthorized access.