雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年9月6日 · 就日本来说,2021年消费量168000kL,相较于2008年的75000kL,增加了一倍还多。. 从世界范围来看,人口大国 印度超过消费量第一的美国,成为了世界上消耗威士忌最多的国家 ,且年间消费量是美国3倍到4倍。. 在这样的背景下,在世界五大威士忌中以美味和稀有著称 ...

  2. 2018年1月1日 · Hakone 'yosegi zaiku' is a kind of woodworking technique typically used to make puzzle boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms. Not only do they make a great gift—at the Hakone Trick Museum you can even make one of your own!

  3. 2018年7月4日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district.

  4. 2017年11月20日 · 带你玩转日本升龙道 VOL.3|百分百小倾心!. 来一场别样的日本中部轻旅行 | All About Japan. 为了这次筹划已久的日本中部轻旅行,我特意购买了名铁专为外国游客推出的「 升龙道巴士周游券 」,正是凭借着这张几乎「万能」的车票环游了大半个日本中部「升龙道 ...

  5. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random. Planning to be in Japan in late July? JR East is offering a cheap three-day pass covering Tokyo and northeastern Japan for a limited time!

  6. 深度日本. 來到日本三大溫泉之一的有馬溫泉,除了泡湯外也有不少當地的傳統活動可以體驗。. 這次我們就特別請到日本藝妓特別指導,不妨快來看看我們的三味線學習成果吧!. 記得小時候在電影中看過日本藝妓們彈著像二胡的樂器,長大之後才知道它叫三味 ...

  7. 2019年12月3日 · Learn how to use a katana, throw a shuriken (ninja star), attempt ninja magic, dodge attacks, and then use your new-found skills in live 3-D mode to defeat your enemies! Reserve online for around ¥6,500 per person.

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