雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Citi PayAll. 用Citi PayAll交各種生活洗費賺盡積分或回贈. 轉數入 Citi. 於App內按幾下即可從其他銀行轉錢入戶口. 顯示更多. 常見問題. 下載應用程式常見問題. 安卓安裝檔 (APK)下載地址 https://www.citibank.com.hk/english/mbol/app/Citibank_HK.apk. 需要 Android 9.0 或以上版本. 1. 甚麼是Face ID/指紋登入? Face ID 是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone 上存儲的面部測繪圖的登錄認證功能。 指紋登入是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone及Android 手機上存儲的指紋的登錄認證功能;這可代替以花旗銀行網上理財用戶登入賬號和密碼登錄。

  2. 最新信用卡優惠. 用Citi積分兌換The Point積分 於指定新地商場當錢使! %body% 儲埋啲Citi積分點用至夠抵? 仲使諗,梗係用嚟兌換The Point積分! 除咗可以換成 Point Dollar, 喺The Point 25個新地商場1吃喝購物當錢使之餘,更可以用嚟換其他心禮品! 簡單幾步將Citi積分兌換成The Point積分. 登入 The Point 應用程式於 The Point 主頁進入「積分轉換」 輸入您的 Citi 信用卡2最後 4 位數字進行一次性身份驗證3,4. 選擇您想兌換的 The Point 積分. 兌換成功後,您會收到即時確認通知並可以立即使用 The Point 積分換領獎賞. 1. 2. 3. 4. 以上版面及數字只供參考. 備註:

  3. Cardholders may redeem up to Eligible Transaction amount in full with Points or available Points at Eligible Card account (whichever is lower). Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Zurich’s Online Platform for each redemption.

  4. 識揀嘅您,揀啱心計劃之後,梗識用埋Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷月費簽賬,積分當錢使,感覺太爽鳥! 只需簡單3步驟,即可體驗Pay with Points憑分消費!

  5. The Citi Mobile ® App. A simpler, faster and safer way of banking is here. Get more with just one app. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you.

  6. Eager to save more for your daily commute to/from office or school? You may now use Citi Points for your bus ride! Convert Citi Points to club1933 points at your favorite App1933, with which you may redeem eCoin to pay the fares directly on over 4,000 KMB and Long Win buses. You can also redeem KMB gifts with club1933 points!

  7. 1個App帶畀您更多可能. 變革由您出發. 一直以嚟,我哋都與時並進,為您帶嚟更快捷、更智能嘅流動理財銀行體驗。 依家我哋仲加入咗更多個人化嘅設計同新功能,令您嘅理財更簡單! 賬戶資訊 一目了然. 快速瀏覽賬戶最新資訊. 輕鬆一掃即可睇晒賬戶資訊同交易紀錄. 唔會再錯過月結單. 收到月結單通知後可隨時隨地查看 電子月結單. Messaging 服務. 有咩問題您都可以隨時用Messaging 揾我哋, 就好似同朋友聯絡一樣咁方便. 更多獎賞及優惠. 我哋會因應您嘅個人需要,專心挑選啱您嘅理財產品同服務,仲有更多獎賞及優惠等緊您。 千其唔好錯過呢個機會! 捕捉心靚價唱外幣.