雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2005年7月14日 · In this case, the phrase is separated into five parts, ''to, ho, kami, emi, tame,'' the meaning of which has been interpreted variously. For example, the late Heian ritual handbook entitled Protocols of the Ōe Family (Gōke shidai) associated the five parts with water, fire, kami, humans, and earth, respectively.

  2. 2008年9月4日 · You never add "-san" to "ane". "Ane" is for talking about your sister, while "oneesan" is for addressing your sister or for talking about someone else's sister. A similar situation applies to other family terms (ani/oniisan, haha/okaasan, etc.), although younger siblings are usually addressed by name.

  3. 2018年3月14日 · A semester is, etymologically, a period of six months. In common usage it just means "half a year", which is usually the same thing but can be different depending on what "year" means in the given context. by Firas. rate this post as useful.

  4. The shrine's main buildings are a partial replica of the original Imperial Palace from the Heian Period, built on a somewhat smaller scale than the original. Garden behind the main building. Behind the main buildings there is an attractive, paid garden with a variety of plants, ponds and buildings.

  5. The Outer Shrine (外宮, Gekū) is one of the two main shrines making up the Ise Shrines in Ise City. Formally known as the Toyouke Daijingu, the Outer Shrine enshrines Toyouke Omikami, the Shinto deity and guardian of food, housing and clothing.

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  6. 2014年11月1日 · In Tokyo region, majority of private high schools take exam day on 10th February, for public (or state) schools exam day will be 24th February. In Osaka region, majority of private high schools take exam day on 10th February, for public (or state) schools exam day will be 23rd February.

  7. 2021年10月21日 · For my paper I studied different religions around the world and Shintoism always confuses me as the information was either limited or in Japanese, unfortunately I am not well versed in it. I am curious whether is there a male equivalent of a miko? Does his role required the same rules for shrine maidens (virgins, shamanism training, etc)?

  8. 近期熱門劇集
