雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年10月18日 · Here are some of the most remembered love songs from TV dramas and movies up to 2016. 5. Say Yes — Chage and Aska (1991) “Say Yes” is the duo’s 27th single that was used in the TV drama Hyakuikkaime no Puropozu (The 101st Proposal) starring Tetsuya Takeda and Atsuko Asano. Despite the lead vocal Aska’s recent scandal and drug arrest ...

  2. 2022年9月1日 · 你想像中的世外桃源是什麼模樣呢? 陶淵明在《桃花源記》中描述到「忽逢桃花林,夾岸數百步,中無雜樹,芳草鮮美,落英繽紛」,而世界知名的日本導演黑澤明,在1990年執導的電影《》第八則夢境片段中,便以長野縣安曇野市「水車村」呈現出世外桃源,此拍攝地也因此聞名日本全國。 追隨著黑澤明導演中的世外桃源,一起來探訪如田園詩般美麗的安曇野吧! ©PIXTA. 位於長野松本市大約不到半小時車程的「安曇野」,地名源自日本彌生時代(西元前10世紀到3世紀中期)以海上勢力聞名的「安曇族」。 正因為安曇野位於長野縣中西部,西邊有著雄偉壯麗的北阿爾卑斯山,靠著每日70萬噸泉水所灌溉出的田園詩般的景緻,不僅能讓人遠離塵囂、放鬆身心,還能欣賞到最原始的日本原風情。

  3. 以別府灣和街道的夜景,然後藉著遙遠的四國佐田岬為遠景,在此可以盡情享受其壓倒性的開放感和遠眺的樂趣。 地址:大分縣別府市觀海寺1. 交通:別府站搭乘出租車10分鐘. 官網: http://www.suginoi-hotel.com/taiwan/ 世界絕景也有入選! 佐賀縣「浜野浦棚田」 地處玄海町一角的浜野浦地區,覆蓋著像從海岸衝上樓梯一樣的層層梯田,像是大自然描繪出來的曲線。 大大小小的梯田調和之美恰到好處,也將土地本就稀有的日本水稻種植風景延續至今。 在水平線上夕陽將海面和水田渲染成橘色,田間小路延伸出幾何學的模樣,讓您賞心悅目。 地址:佐賀縣東松浦郡玄海町浜野浦. 交通:西唐津站搭車25分鐘.

  4. 2020年10月14日 · Starring Takeda Tetsuya (武田鉄矢), loved by TV audiences but not by the women who populate his world, this hit follows his quest to find a wife. Our unlikely hero fails almost one hundred times before finally meeting a beautiful cellist played by Asano Atsuko (浅野温子). However, still mourning the loss of her fiancé, she too comes ...

  5. 清晨,在楓紅樹影灑落的斜影下甦醒,驅車前往位於飛驒山脈之間深鑿在山壁中的狹長隧道,並非尋日本秘境鐵道,而是要與同伴挑戰憑著雙腳踩上「鐵路單車」穿越過無數座跨越在山崖峽谷間的鐵橋,在廢棄神岡鐵道線上搜尋2004年前殘留在此鐵道的滿載城鎮記憶! 騎腳踏車穿梭於溪谷、山洞等平常無法進入的地方探險,雙腳下發出「喀噹」,猶如真的駛著火車進入一般,過往神岡鐵道克服險峻山勢,穿越山洞和鐵橋運送貨物,有著「奧飛驒地下鐵」美譽,如今卸下重任後,居民們彙整其匠人手藝,研發特有鐵路單車,不但完成鐵道原有樣貌,陽光穿過樹蔭撒下的美麗印象,讓旅人近距離欣賞山峰峽谷的楓紅美景,重燃鐵路新生命力。

  6. 2018年10月26日 · Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle" and "Nandemonaiya"—all in English. With less than a month to go until the physical soundtrack's international ...

  7. 2019年6月27日 · From menstrual cycles to eye drops and even Japanese idioms, nothing is too obscure to become a beautiful anthropomorphized character in Japan. And with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics coming up, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with the idea of taking participating countries and their flags and turning them into anime characters.

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