雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 您必須於 「您想」投資連繫壽險計劃 保單生效期間定期繳付基本保費。. 基本保費的金額一般取決於基本保額、受保人的繕發年齡、性別及風險級別。. 以一名40歲非吸煙的男性受保人投保,基本保單的基本保額為最低要求的50,000美元或375,000港元為例,最低基本 ...

  2. Image Viewer - 友邦保險 香港

  3. 投保定期人壽保險,第一步當然是先了解自己的保障需要。. 最理想的人壽保額應該足以覆蓋「保障缺口」,即是假如你不幸離世後,家屬需要多少資產才能維持原有生活水平。. 每個家庭的保障缺口都不一樣,隨著收入及人生階段的改變,保障缺口也會有所升 ...

  4. 扣稅額並不等於可從應繳總稅款直接扣減的金額。. 由於扣稅金額根據不同人士的不同稅務安排可能會有所不同,一切有關年金保費及強積金自願性供款的稅務扣除,請參閱 香港稅務局網頁 。. 友邦香港及其中介人不會提供任何稅務或會計建議。. 就任何稅務或 ...

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  6. MPF journey - Employer. AIA always strives to offer our corporate clients and their employees quality, thoughtful services, including diversified investment options, comprehensive MPF solutions, easy and convenient management tools, and unparalleled customer service. AIA helps you easily fulfil your MPF obligations.

  7. Employees (full-time or part-time) and self-employed persons aged 18 to 64, except the exempt persons, are required to participate in an MPF Scheme. To enrol in AIA MPF – Prime Value Choice, please submit the completed application form to us. To facilitate your retirement planning, you may use MPFA's Retirement Planning Calculator to calculate:

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