雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Katori Jingu (香取神宮, Katori Jingū) is a popular Shinto shrine outside of Sawara, northeast of Narita. It is the head shrine of several hundred Katori shrines found across Japan. It is dedicated to Futsunushi no Mikoto, the protector of military men, and has been a popular and important shrine since ancient times.

  2. Ikaho Onsen (伊香保温泉) is a hot spring town located on the eastern slopes of Mount Haruna. Known for its reddish brown, iron-laden thermal waters, Ikaho Onsen joins Kusatsu, Minakami and Shima Onsen as the four most famous hot spring resorts of Gunma Prefecture.

  3. Dewa Sanzan is a center of Shugendo, a folk religion based on mountain worship, blending Buddhist and Shinto traditions. Shugendo practitioners, called yamabushi, perform feats of endurance as a means of transcending the physical world. Training includes such tasks as long pilgrimages and endurance of the elements.

  4. Karuizawa (軽井沢) is an upmarket mountain resort at the foot of the active volcano Mount Asama in Nagano Prefecture. Located at an altitude of roughly 1000 meters, the town provides a pleasant escape from the summer heat.

  5. Sakata (酒田) is a medium-sized city in Yamagata Prefecture on the Sea of Japan coast, around an hour north of the Dewa Sanzan region. Sakata is located in the fertile Shonai Plain, which is known for its high-quality rice.

  6. Kiso-Hirasawa (木曽平沢) is a village that developed outside the post town of Narai during the Edo Period. It gradually developed a certain prestige as its lacquer products became renowned throughout Japan. Today, Kiso-Hirasawa still capitalizes on its popularity as a producer of lacquer goods.

  7. Sounkyo (層雲峡, Sōunkyō) is a touristy hot spring resort town in the north of Daisetsuzan National Park. It is located in a scenic, narrow gorge that is flanked by 100 meter high, forested cliffs. Sounkyo offers a pleasant village center, onsen baths and two beautiful waterfalls nearby.