雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. OST原聲大碟34首,包括8首歌曲及26首配樂,主唱:李璧琦,柯允,徐偉賢,林以諾,潘永成及陳永文作曲/作詞/編曲/監製/配樂:徐偉賢編曲(曲目:25及34):褚鎮東,徐偉賢配樂顧問:金培達專輯曲目:01.

  2. 通利琴行作為香港首屈一指的樂器零售商,同時提供專業的音響及錄音產品,是你購買busking amp及器材 的不二之選。 多款busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材. 惟有一個擴音質素好的busking amp,才能將你busking的歌聲與樂器聲擴散開去。 假如你已打算展開busking的旅程,即使你的預算有限,我們仍建議你選購一個品質較佳的busking amp,因為它將能準確地將你喜歡的音樂分享給每位聽眾,是你日後busking時的最佳夥伴。 通利琴行提供多款busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材,如專門為結他手而設的耳機,滿足你busking的需要。 想進一步了解如何選擇並購買合適的busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材?

  3. DESCRIPTION. Evah Pirazzi Gold strings have a core made from a modern synthetic multifilament fibre. Brilliant, golden tone. full-bodied and big sound from the very bottom to the top of the register. A wide range of sound colors.

  4. 曲目. All the Children of the World (Jack Noble WHITE) This is My Father's World (Jack Noble WHITE) Blessed Peace (Jack Noble WHITE) Can You Hear the Children Singing (潘健康 Healthy POON) 香港街道迷宮 Street Maze of Hong Kong (何崇志 Steve HO) 歌聲永伴隨 Melody Forever (衛嘉欣 Frankie WAI) 小花貓 Little Kitty (Heinrich ...

  5. Acoustic DI & Preamp with 5-band EQ Thanks to its studio quality performance, powerful tone shaping EQ and rock-solid reliability, the Para DI has become an indispensable stage tool for countless musicians around the world. This roadworthy box effortlessly tames the stage and enhances any acoustic pickup for a full.

  6. Based on the McCarty platform, the DGT model has been a constant favorite since its introduction in 2007, thanks to Grissom’s deep knowledge of vintage guitars and his painstaking attention to detail.

  7. MXR® DYNA COMP® COMPRESSOR The Dyna Comp Compressor can tighten up your signal, add rich sustain, or create the percussive and clicky sound heard on numerous hit records. This pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not.

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