雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bowtie & JP Health 提供個人化的預防性治療及保健服務,包括身體檢查、普通科門診、中醫、和營養師會診,亦有提供企業服務。. Bowtie(保泰人壽) 提供自願醫保、人壽、危疾等「零佣金‍」網上保險計劃,連續兩年獲選最物有所值的保險品牌,3月內投保,首年 ...

  2. 2024年4月24日 · 期貨指數(期指)是金融市場上的一種衍生工具,屬期貨合約的一種,價值是基於底層資產如股票指數的預期表現。 作為一種高回報而高風險的投資工具,期指多用以對沖風險或投機獲利。 想知期指的玩法如何? 即睇Bowtie團隊為大家準備的期指入門資訊,一文了解期指結算日、交易時間、術語及按金要求。 作者 Bowtie 團隊. 日期 2024-04-24. 更新 2024-04-25. 期指是甚麼? 期指是期貨合約的一種,針對股票指數進行交易,允許投資者以未來某一時間點的預定價格買入或賣出一個特定的金融指數。 以恒生指數期貨為例,買賣雙方須訂立合約,在合約到期日內,以某個現價指數點買賣,看好的投資者買入期指合約,看淡的則沽出期指合約。 期指玩法如何? 期指的交易包括基於對未來指數表現的預測進行買賣。

    • Allow Immediate Money Transferral
    • Make Easy Payments
    • Offer Attractive Rebates
    • Offer High-Interest Rates
    • Allow Multi-Currency Savings
    • Good Rates & Multi-Currency For Fixed Deposits

    Transferring money in and out of the virtual banks was generally easy once it was set up. Some of them do not have branch codes which makes it a little more complicated. Yet, FPS is available and the transaction is reflected immediately. Users should be reminded that a few transactions may be needed when transferring large amounts of money due to t...

    Banks such as Livi, Mox, WeLab, and ZA provide different payment gateways to spend money. Some allow you to add a virtual debit card to Apple Pay or Google Pay (ZA only lets you use Apple Pay at the time of writing). Livi uses UnionPay as well. Some (Mox, WeLab, ZA) send you a plastic card to use. You can check all of your transactions on the app, ...

    These virtual banks usually offer quite attractive rebates to their customers whenever they make transactions. Different forms of rebates and rebates rates may change from time to time and depend on promotions. Here are some rebates that the virtual banks are offering at the time of writing: 1. Mox gives you a rebate of 0.5% 2. Livi gives you (with...

    Virtual Banks may pay you higher interest rates in HKD compared to your usual bank. If you have spare cash and want to maximise your returns, the following sequence may work for you (depending on how much you have to spare): 1. $20,000 in Airstar (earns 3.6% p.a. for 95 days) 2. $20,000 in Ant – open a Libre account (earns 2% p.a.) 3. $50,000 in Li...

    Airstar, Fusion and ZA provide you with savings accounts in Renminbi (CNY) and US Dollars (USD) if that is something you want. In CNY, the best rate is given by Fusion (1% pa) and in USD the best rate is provided by Airstar (0.10% pa).

    Time deposits are available in CNY and USD in Airstar, Fusion, and ZA while HKD fixed deposits are available from Airstar, Fusion, ZA, and WeLab. The tenors vary across banks and depend on the currency. 1. For example, in Renminbi (CNY), Fusion has good rates at short tenors while Airstar has good rates at longer tenors. 2. In USD, Airstar gives yo...

  3. 2021年12月9日 · 【辭職信 Resignation Letter】格式及注意事項逐樣睇! 附中英文範本. 來到年尾,不少打工仔都會審視自己的工作,隨時要同東家說再見斷捨離,但離開時確實需要一封精簡而不失禮貌的辭職信,因此 Bowtie 為大家深入講解辭職信 (Resignation Letter) 必須注意的地方,讓你無懼職場斷捨離。 辭職信是必須嗎? 在資訊發達的今天,辭職信 (Resignation Letter) 依然是必須的,因為它具有法律效力,足以保障僱員的權利;根據勞工處的僱傭條例,僱員過了試用期後離開公司,必須給僱主 1 個月通知,否則則需支付代通知金,而辭職信就是證明僱員提出離職通知的證據。 不過辭職信的形式則要視乎入職前僱主及僱員簽訂的合約有否列明。 普遍來說還是以正式的書面通知較好。

  4. 2021年12月10日 · 每年年尾至來年初都是轉工高峰期,不少人為了個人發展而轉工。想轉工的打工仔究竟點寫履歷(CV / Resume)先至好?本文會為大家詳細講解履歷表的格式,更有 4 個中/英文範例供大家參考。

  5. 2024年4月30日 · I believe that Bowtie’s insurance technology and pure protection products can help Hong Kong people get enough protection to fill the $6.9 trillion mortality gap in Hong Kong. 1 According to Insurance Authority’s Provisional Statistics for Long Term Business for the whole year of 2021-2022, and the first half of 2023, Bowtie Life ranked first in number of new individual paid policies ...

  6. 2020年11月25日 · 香港有沒有監管保險中介的機構及守則? 無論是保險經紀或保險代理,兩者均受保險業監管局(下稱保監局)及《保險業條例》監管約束。 保監局是獨立的法定監管機構,就《保險業條例》(第41章)及其附屬法例規管保險業,亦會負責保險中介人的發牌工作及處理相關從業員涉及違規的投訴,目的是要保障現有及準保單持有人的利益,確保保險業運作穩定。 保險經紀 (Broker)及代理 (Agent)有何分別? 截至2020年6月30日,香港共有8百多間持牌保險經紀公司和1萬多名持牌業務代表 (經紀) ;2千多間持牌保險代理機構及8萬多名持牌個人保險代理 。 保險經紀及代理於職責、專業資格及名冊等方面亦有異同之處。 保險中介人的職責.

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