雅虎香港 搜尋


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  4. Rent a car from 127 locations in 97 cities across Japan with Budget Car Rental.

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  6. Japan is an affordable destination even on a tight budget. Stretch your yen with JNTO's Guide to Traveling Japan on a budget, from transport to dining out.

  7. 2024年2月5日 · If you've ever wondered if it's possible to enjoy budget travel in Japan, this post will tell you exactly how to do it, with plenty of tips and actual costs.

  8. FY2023 Budget. Overview of the Supplementary Budget for FY2023 (November 10, 2023) Highlights of the Draft FY2023 Budget (December 23, 2022) Japanase Public Finance Fact Sheet (April, 2023).

  9. 2020年7月6日 · In fact, Japan can be one of the CHEAPEST destinations to travel on a budget. If you want to visit Japan on a budget, this article will provide you with all of the tips, tricks, and advice to save you as much money as possible.

  10. 2012年5月15日 · With top tips on keeping costs low, this guide to budget accommodations, transport passes and places to eat can help you stretch your money in Japan.

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