雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. Smart Domestic Helper Insurance Plan. In addition to the foreign domestic helper protection, there is a special local domestic helper protection meets your different needs. An “Optional Enhanced Benefits” can be added for foreign domestic helper protection, giving you peace of mind at all time.

  2. 智幫手家傭保障計劃. 除設有「外籍家傭保障」外,特設「本地家傭保障」,配合您不同需要。 外籍家傭保障可附加「自選升級保障」,令您任何時刻都安心無憂。 最新推廣. 有關最新推廣詳情請 按此. 計劃特點. 「外籍家傭保障」 1. 基本保障. 門診、住院及手術、牙科的醫療費用,以至門診處方藥物、跌打、物理治療及脊椎治療費。 人身意外保障:因家傭於香港休假期間身體損傷,提供人身意外保障高達港幣20萬元 1 。 補聘家傭費用:因家傭嚴重疾病或身故,僱主需補聘家傭合理及必須的實際費用。 家傭誠信保障:保障因家傭的不誠實或欺詐行為引致的經濟損失,更延伸保障未經許可使用長途電話及更換住所大門鎖的費用。 2. 自選升級保障.

  3. 作為僱主,您必須根據《僱員補償條例》為您的外籍家傭、全職或兼職家務助理家傭購買保險,保障您因家傭蒙受身體損傷或疾病承擔的法律責任。 「智幫手家傭保障計劃」提供僱主責任保障、家傭個人責任保障,以及供全面的外籍家傭保障。 2. 受保家傭有年齡限制嗎? 答: 有。 受保家傭年齡必須為18歲至65歲。 3. 如我聘用了兩位家傭,是否能以一份保險單同時保障兩位家傭? 答: 不可以。 一張家傭保險單只可保障一位家傭。 您需要為每位家傭各自投保。 4. 「智幫手家傭保障計劃」的「本地家務助理計劃」有甚麼特點? 答: 您可為本地家務助理或陪月員投保「本地家務助理計劃」。 此計劃提供僱主責任保障及家傭個人責任保障。

  4. BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) has specially launched Forever Wellbeing Whole Life Plan (“the Plan”), a plan combining wealth growth and critical illness protection, a lifelong protection to yourself and your loved ones. Note: Please refer to the product leaflet for the details of the Plan (including the coverage ...

  5. "Premier Home Comprehensive Insurance" provides a wide range of protection schemes, giving you peace of mind and the time to enjoy a care-free life. All-rounded household coverages of up to HK$1,200,000(per event), cover the accidental loss and damage to your Home Contents. e.g. in the event of typhoon, fire, explosion, burglary, Malicious Damage by Tenant and other incidents

  6. 本地家傭包括陪月員。. 指本保單起保日起,每一連續12 個月的時間。. 40 種受保危疾: 癌症、心肌疾病、冠狀動脈搭橋移植手術、心瓣置換、原發性肺動脈高血壓、主動脈手術、突發性心臟病、阿耳滋海默氏症、細菌感染腦膜炎、結核性腦膜炎、良性腦腫瘤、昏迷 ...

  7. Key features of the Plan. Maximum benefit of HK$4,000,000 for death or permanent total disablement resulting from accident whilst travelling by public transportation or private car, or as a result of landslide. Up to HK$50,000 Medical Expenses Protection (including treatment expenses by bonesetter and Chinese medical practitioner) One single ...

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