雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月10日 · 香港政府近年積極推動電動車普及政策,不同品牌也陸續在港推出電動車,例如奧迪 Audi、寶馬 BMW、本田 Honda、平治 Mercedes-Benz、豐田 Toyota、福士 Volkswagen 及 富豪 Volvo 等。. 今次快而保便為大家整理全港 18 區的充電站位置,不同品牌的電動車同樣可找到合適的 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Consider The Following Checklist Before Getting Behind The Wheel
    • Stay Physically Active
    • Visit The Local Optician Or Hearing Specialist For A Test
    • Avoid Using Mobile Phones Or Any Other Devices That May Cause A Distraction
    • Consider Taking A Refresher Course
    • Get in Touch with Kwiksure Today
    Do you have any pain or stiffness in the arms, legs, neck, or back? If so, this may affect your ability to engage the likes of your gearbox, control the clutch, or look across into the mirrors. The...
    Have you been diagnosed with any chronic conditions (e.g. epilepsy, dementia, etc.)? If so, a chronic condition will most likely affect your safety on the road, and the advice here would be to cons...
    Do you tire easily when driving, even at short distances? Aging drivers may experience fatigue more often than younger drivers, which affects how long you’re able to drive. When making plans to dri...
    Do you feel stressed and anxious? Feeling stressed can affect other health conditions that may be present in aging drivers, such as heart disease, which can cause a stroke. Again, it’s best to cons...

    Elderly individuals are recommended to stay physically active to improve strength and flexibility. For those with access to a gym, personal trainers are qualified to help improve mobility and indicate areas along the body to stretch. For those without a gym membership, there are a plethora of exercises that can be done at home.

    Hearing and vision are senses that tend to decline with age. Impaired hearing (limited hearing or hearing loss) is a huge concern for older drivers as they are unlikely to hear oncoming emergency vehicles or vehicles warning of their presence with the horn. Age-related vision problems tend to arise the older we get, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and...

    Driving while distracted is a frequent cause of accidents. Therefore, it is best to follow the steps below before driving to reduce distractions as much as possible: 1. Plan the journey ahead. 2. Set the GPS device before heading off and not during the journey. 3. If traveling with a fellow passenger, ask them to help check directions if unsure. 4....

    Older drivers may not be aware of the latest changes in rules and regulations when driving in Hong Kong. For this reason, it is recommended to consider taking a refresher course for older drivers. Getting an update might even help to earn a discount on future car insurance, depending on the policy. For the most benefits, check for a community educa...

    The aforementioned tips will help older drivers to remain safer on the road. However, for all drivers in Hong Kong, it is mandatory to at least have third-party liability car insurance. Just like how there are numerous other safety tips for older drivers to consider, there are also a plethora of car insurance plans to choose from. The hard part is ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2018年12月27日 · 歷時九年興建的港珠澳大橋在今年10月24日正式開通。長達55公里的主橋、周邊接連的道路及人工島,總共耗費高達 $200 億元。大橋的跨海路段延綿 22.9 公里,海底隧道長 6.7 公里。 雖然港珠澳大橋是全球最長的跨海大橋,但大橋上並沒有任何公共交通工具,只有私人的穿梭巴士跨境通行。

  3. 2023年10月31日 · 團隊歷年來多次獲不同媒體選為「最佳汽車保險經紀」及「最優秀領袖大獎」。. 今次快而保推薦了 12 款適合新手 P 牌的熱門私家車,全部都是車身大細適中、1,500 cc 以下及操控性佳,格外適合新司機。. 同時為顧及大家買車後一闊三大,要支付保險、停車場等 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  4. 2024年4月2日 · 第1步:保持冷靜. 聽來是廢話,但很多人撞車後都會忘記這點,被驚慌或憤怒的情緒主導,變相做錯決定或令情況進一步惡化。 第2步:查看有沒有人報稱受傷. 除了自己之外,也應查看車上的乘客有沒有受傷。 值得留意的是,不少人在撞車後幾天,身體創傷或後遺症才開始浮現,所以建議司機謹慎一點,即使有輕微不適例如頭暈,都應該報稱受傷。 如果有人受傷,就必須立即報警處理。 切忌因為怕麻煩而不報警,因為這刻的輕微不適可能在短時間內惡化。 第3步:停車,在安全情況下落車. 司機切忌將車駛至其他地方,因為根據道路守則,除非現場情況危險,否則在未獲警務人員許可下,你或任何人都不應移動或干擾牽涉到意外的車輛。 司機應該停車、熄匙、拉手制,在確保現場路況安全後下車前往安全位置,或留在車內等待救援。 撞車應該私了/報保險?

  5. 2020年12月24日 · 轉換行車線前未有查察交通况. 這是眾多錯誤之中比較冤枉的,因為即使你在切線前有回頭望也好,如果回頭的角度不較誇張,又或者是考牌官剛好沒有看到,那麼你也一樣會當犯上這個錯誤而被肥佬。. 所以考生最好根據標準作出「不小於90度的望鏡、擰頭 ...

  6. 2024年4月2日 · 可以! 建議於懷孕中期即約 12 至 28 週進行,此階段孕婦在身體上已步入適應期,較少出現不適情況。 然而出發前還是先做好產檢,部分航空公司會要求孕婦登機前出示最近 7 至 10 天內所發出的醫生證明。 不論乘坐飛機或汽車,孕婦應每隔 30 分鐘至 1 小時要站立活動手腳,增加血液循環,避免血管出現血塊引致血管栓塞。 有研究指出 ,由多倫多飛往法蘭克福十次,胎兒所承受的毫西弗(mSv,衡量輻射劑量對生物組織影響程度單位)劑量,便超過胎兒可接受上限 1 毫西弗,建議於懷孕期間乘坐飛機次數以不超過 4 次較好。 不可以! 懷孕初期(首 12 週)身體狀況不穩定,容易出現不適例如嘔吐等,也是出血、流產的高風險期。

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