雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 會址:澳門東方斜巷10a-10c地下B 電話:853 28523618. 詳情可聯絡相關機構查詢。. 5%現金回贈. 香港、澳門及內地消費5%現金回贈 (每月回贈上限HK$100)。. 高鐵車票5%現金回贈. 以實體大灣區青年卡,於指定地點購買跨境高速鐵路車票,可獲得5%現金回贈 (每月回贈 ...

  2. 大灣區青年卡 (中銀卡) 大灣區青年卡 (中銀卡)是中銀香港聯同大灣區共同家園青年公益基金 (簡稱:「大灣區青年基金」)、廣東省青年聯合會、香港青年聯會及澳門青年聯合會攜手推出的提款卡,是一張提供大灣區支援及生活便利的綜合青年服務卡。. 客戶申請 ...

  3. 賺高達20X積分!. | 信用卡 | 中國銀行 (香港)有限公司. 主頁 > 信用卡 > 推廣優惠 > 最新優惠 > 20X狂賞派!. 賺高達20X積分!. 一齊去片睇下點賺盡積分!.

  4. Grow with your children. As parent, we always grow with our children and have numerous first-ever experiences together. It's time to educate our children to save money and operate their own bank accounts wisely and independently. Children can open i-Free Banking service starting from the age of 11 and have their own account and ATM card.

  5. Kiddie Sky Savings Account. To cultivate the savings habit for your children, start from now! The colourful design of the Kiddie Sky passbook can arouse your children's interest in savings. Applicable for children who are below the age of 11. Terms and Conditions: The above product, services and offers are subject to the relevant terms.

  6. 退休生活自定義. 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司 (「中銀人壽」)的中銀人壽延期年金計劃 (終身) (「本計劃」) 是一項獲保險業監管局 (「保監局」)認可的合資格延期年金保險計劃,而保單權益人作為年金領取人有機會可享稅項扣減。 本計劃提供終身年金入息及人壽保障,助您現在開始籌劃未來,享受由您定義的理想退休生活。 註:有關本計劃的詳情(包括保障內容、主要風險、主要不保事項等),請參閱產品簡介。 其他主要風險: 毋須繳付薪俸稅或個人入息課稅的已退休保單權益人或不獲稅項扣減。 請注意,此產品的「合資格延期年金保單」狀況並不必然地表示閣下可合資格獲得適用於「合資格延期年金保單」已繳保費的稅項扣除。 此產品的「合資格延期年金保單」狀況乃基於產品的特點及已獲保監局的認證而非有關閣下本身之情況的事實。

  7. BOCHK has sponsored the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates (HKAAA) to organise the inaugural Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon which was successfully held on 19 November. Nearly 8,000 runners participated together in the half marathon on the world's longest bridge-tunnel sea ...

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