雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 作詞:Miley Cyrus, Aldae & Michael Pollack 作曲:Miley Cyrus, Aldae & Michael Pollack. We were good, we were gold. Kinda dream that can't be sold. We were right till we weren't. Built a home and watched it burn. I didn't wanna leave you. I didn't wanna lie. Started to cry but then remembered I. I can buy myself flowers. Write my name in the sand.

  2. 作詞:椎名林檎 作曲:椎名林檎. There's a door here, but it will not break. There's a stone there, but it won't remain. Up there a heaven now, but it will not wait. And the lies there, the scent of it, just too much. So should you, Sow it once and make it grow, the sweet clematis. Let it flower, and paint it all of the colors bold.

  3. 歌曲. 木紋. 何韻詩 (HOCC) 試聽 收聽全首. 作詞:黃偉文. 作曲:張繼聰. 如果 一手鋸開枯樹 木不會發現痛. 不過 日日澆水的我 覺得被挖空. 如果必須結束關係 難扮成從未栽種. 讓我 數著年輪 這些年輪 我的心會痛 wo. 畢竟那段如沐春風 早刻進百年長的信. 在信中 圈圈緊扣 情感多深厚 前因 非因 錯種. 分開簡單 抹去往事極難 幾多溫馨 燭光晚餐. 難以用 斧頭一劈 叫畫面飛散. 伴侶沒了 記憶會為患 倚星細語 抱月夜談. 歷歷在目 錄下年鑒 來年樹倒 身影孤 煙花散. 年輪未可推翻 化不淡. 緣慳 但是人非草木 並不會太易慣. 刻個 木造的心給我 痛苦未會減. 情願 舊事連根一拔 忘滅如燃盡的炭. 但我 數著年輪 幾圈年輪 已經濕了眼 wo.

  4. 作詞:Miley Cyrus, Aldae & Michael Pollack 作曲:Miley Cyrus, Aldae & Michael Pollack. We were good, we were gold. Kinda dream that can't be sold. We were right till we weren't. Built a home and watched it burn. I didn't wanna leave you. I didn't wanna lie. Started to cry but then remembered I. I can buy myself flowers. Write my name in the sand.

  5. 作詞:黃偉文 作曲:Eric Kwok. 忘掉種過的花 重新的出發 放棄理想吧. 別再看塵封的囍帖 你正在要搬家. 築得起 人應該接受 都有日倒下. 其實沒有一種安穩快樂 永遠也不差. 就似這一區 曾經稱得上 美滿甲天下. 但霎眼 全街的單位 快要住滿烏鴉. 好景不會每日常在. 天梯不可只往上爬. 愛的人 沒有一生一世嗎. 大概不需要害怕. 忘掉愛過的他. 當初的囍帖金箔印着那位他. 裱起婚紗照那道牆. 及一切美麗舊年華 明日同步拆下. 忘掉有過的家. 小餐枱、沙發、雪櫃及兩份紅茶. 溫馨的光境不過借出 到期拿回嗎. 等不到下一代 是嗎. 忘掉砌過的沙. 回憶的堡壘 刹那已倒下. 面對這 墳起的荒土 你註定學會瀟灑. 階磚不會拒絕磨蝕. 窗花不可幽禁落霞. 有感情 就會一生一世嗎.

  6. 落花流水 - Single Version. 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) 試聽 收聽全首. 作詞:黃偉文 作曲:Eric Kwok / 陳奕迅. 流水 像清得沒帶半顆沙. 前身 被擱在上游風化. 但那天經過那條提壩. 斜陽又返照閃一下 遇上一朵 落花. 相遇 就此擁著最愛歸家.

  7. 溫拿樂隊 (The Wynners) 試聽 收聽全首. Wind Flower. Wind flowers my father told me not to go near them. He said he feared them always. And he told me they carried him away. Wind flowers, beautiful wind flowers. I couldn't wait to touch them. To smell them I held them closely.

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