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  1. professional indemnity insurance 相關



  1. 2019年9月27日 · Professional Indemnity Insurance 專業責任保險 (PII Cover),或差錯保險,是香港商業保險的一種旨在保護提供諮詢服務行業的專業工人免受全面損害。 如果對服務的疏忽要求了辯護費用。

  2. MSIG專業責任保險,保障專業實踐免受第三者索償和爭議,保障重點包括:自動恢復保障金額、預付相關費用、出庭費用、全面保障。 點擊了解更多。

  3. 專業責任保險(香港). 保障重點. 下載. 您有著豐富經驗,而貴公司亦歷史悠久,但是在日常工作中總會有可能失誤。. 來了解安達專業責任保險如何全面保障專業人士應付各種不同的狀況:從失誤、遺漏、誹謗到侵犯知識產權,皆有相應保障。.

  4. 什麼是專業責任保險?. 專業責任保險為在提供專業服務時因疏忽或僱員疏忽而蒙受經濟損失的專業人士提供財務保障。. 專業責任保險(PI)也稱為錯誤和遺漏保險(E&O),可在各種情況下提供保障,例如專業疏忽索償,數據丟失索償以及因您提供不足或錯誤的 ...

    • Professional Liability
    • Defamation
    • Intellectual Property Rights Infringement
    • Loss of Documents
    • Dishonesty of Employees
    • Defence Costs

    Provides cover for: 1. Any actual or alleged breach of duty 2. Negligent act, error, emission, or misstatement 3. Misleading statement 4. Breach of warranty of authority committed in good faith 5. Breach of confidentiality which occurs in the performance of or failure to perform Professional Services

    Provides cover for any actual or alleged libel or slander committed without malice by reason of words written, spoken or broadcast in the course of providing Professional Services.

    Provides cover for an unintentional infringement of any intellectual property right of any Third Party, other than patents.

    Provides cover for damages due to destruction or damage to, or loss, distortion, erasure or mislay of a Third Party’s Documents for which the Insured is legally responsible, provided that the destruction or damage to, or loss, distortion, erasure or mislay of such Third Party's Documents.

    Provides cover to the Insured (who is not the actual perpetrator) for any fraud or dishonest conduct of an Employee.

    Covers reasonable fees, costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Insured in the investigation, defence, adjustment, settlement or appeal of any Claim.

  5. 專業責任保險作用. 減低訴訟費用對現金流的衝擊. 避免大額賠償訴訟威脅公司存續. 提升公司聲譽、加強客戶信心. 回應海外合約要求,贏取新客戶. 減低不合理訴訟引致的損失. 適用人群? 律師事務所. 建築及工程專業. 物業管理 / 保安 / 樓宇管理. 學校. 保險經紀. 人事資源顧問 / 獵頭公司. 多媒體機構 / 傳媒. 商業管理顧問. 資訊科技. 電訊. 培訓機構. 資產估值顧問. 保障內容? 承保事項. 專業失當、過失、錯誤、疏忽、誤導性陳述、違反保密責任. 因專業失當導致的第三者人身傷亡/財物損害. 侵犯知識產權行為. 誹謗. 僱員的欺詐 / 不誠實行為. 抗辯費用、出席調查費用. 第三者文件損失.

  6. Professional Indemnity insurance covers attendance at inquiries, civil Liability protection, consultants, subcontractors and agents. Covers court attendance costs, defence costs in addition, emergency defence costs and more.

  1. professional indemnity insurance 相關

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