雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年4月2日 · 重現昔日風采的雄偉建築 東京站丸之內車站建築物 東京站內有許多電車路線往來穿梭,伴手禮店及便當店林立,更有多不勝數的投幣式置物櫃,宛如一座熱鬧非凡的城市。其外觀為雄偉莊嚴的紅磚建築,搭配鋪上銅瓦的圓形屋頂,於2012年復原1914年當時的面貌。

  2. 2023年10月6日 · 位於上野公園的上野東照宮,以豪華的金色殿迎接遊客。. 這座建築自1627年成立以來,躲過了戰爭和災難等的破壞,被指定為日本的文化財產。. 經過1651年的大規模翻新工程,讓這座神社擁有江戶時代(1603~1867年)的華麗特色。. 請仔細欣賞金色葉片的裝飾和 ...

    • Taishakuten
    • Shibamata's Favorite Son
    • Take Time For Tea
    • Stroll Down Memory Lane in Shibamata’S Retro Streets

    Taishakuten-Sando , the main street lined with traditional shops selling fragrant toasted rice crackers and dango sweets made from rice flour, leads directly to the grand gate of Taishakuten. Through the carved wooden Nitenmon gate, the sprawling temple complex is dominated by a huge, ancient pine tree. The exquisite carvings on the Teishakudo and ...

    A hustler who was always unlucky in love, Tora-san was a famous character throughout Japan, and the series of 48 movies, dubbed “Otoko wa tsurai yo,” or “It's tough being a man,” released between 1969 and 1995, showcased each prefecture. After every adventure, Tora-san came home to Shibamata and the family dango shop. While you may not be familiar ...

    Just behind Taishakuten and a few steps from the Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Museum, Yamamoto-Teiis a beautiful merchant's house mixing classic 1920s Japanese and European architecture, where you can take tea overlooking the garden. Just over the hill in front of the house, you'll find a sprawling park overlooking the Edo River, marking the bound...

    With its friendly locals, retro architecture and slower pace, the town makes a perfect escape from the stresses of city life. Old buildings are being reborn as simple, stylish hostels and cafes, and the area's traditional hot springs and public baths are newly appreciated by those seeking out authentic experiences. For a real trip back in time, Shi...

  3. 2022年10月19日 · 建於1958年高333米的東京鐵塔,是象徵著戰後東京復興的標誌。完成當時,甚至超越了艾菲爾鐵塔成為了世界第一高。東京鐵塔的大部分工程需要手工作業,是由約22萬匠人僅用時1年半就完成的建築。 現在也是遊客們的旅遊勝地。

  4. 2023年10月6日 · Happo-en's traditional gardens dating back to the Edo period (1603–1867) and its historical buildings boast all the beauty of more famous Tokyo sites such as Meiji Jingu, with fewer crowds. The well-manicured grounds are home to centuries-old bonsai trees, a koi pond, and cherry trees and fall foliage that make for some of the best seasonal ...

  5. 2020年10月28日 · 皇居. Updated: October 28, 2020. 一來到位於皇居內的皇居東御苑與外苑,東京市中心的喧嚷嘈雜彷彿都飛到了九霄雲外。 這片坐落於千代田區中心地帶的靜謐綠洲,總面積達115萬平方公尺,從東京站或是高樓大廈林立的丸之內金融地區步行前往,僅需10分鐘左右的路程。 建立在江戶城遺址上的皇居,自1869年起就成為了日本皇室的永久住居。 雖然一般民眾平時無法進入宮殿內,僅能在特別活動時稍微瞥見其內部裝潢,不過宮殿周遭受到細心照料的庭園美景,像是美麗草坪、修剪整齊的樹木等,都散發出一股秀麗且高貴的氣息,令人眼睛為之一亮。 建立在江戶城遺址上的皇居. 江戶時代,德川一族統治了全日本250多年。 當時他們以江戶城為居城,而當今皇居的所在地即位在江戶城遺址上。

  6. 2020年9月30日 · Updated: September 30, 2020. Before Tokyo was Tokyo, the city was known as Edo. It gave its name to the Edo period (1603-1867), when the shogun (national military leaders) transformed a small fishing village into one of the world's largest cities. This tour, perfect for visitors on a stopover, brings you in contact with that rich history.