雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. yoga alliance hk 相關

  2. 提供各項瑜伽課程,包括伸展瑜伽、瑜伽輪及空中瑜伽班,設有小班教學,歡迎預約試堂! 本會瑜伽導師持有國際專業認可資格及多年任教經驗,助您全方位塑身,立即報名!


  1. 擴闊本地的瑜伽社群並建立更健康和快樂的香港. 香港瑜伽協會提供由初學瑜伽課程 (Yoga Class),瑜伽證書以至符合Yoga Alliance國際標準之瑜伽導師課程 (Yoga Teacher Training)及瑜伽導師證書等全方位服務。.

  2. Facilitate the sharing of yoga experience between yoga lovers and professionals. Upgrade the quality and recognition of Hong Kong instructors through provision of training programs which meet international standards. Establish an extensive alliance network with

  3. 專業資格:出席率達100%的學員在完成課程及取得證書後,可自費向瑜伽聯盟 (YOGA ALLIANCE)申請註冊為 RYT 200 導師 名額 每班25位

  4. Hong Kong Yoga Academy is a Yoga Alliance accredited school authorised by the Yoga Alliance* and holds different accredited yoga instructor training courses in Hong Kong.