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  1. YOGASANA是由居住在澳洲,新加坡,台灣的建築設計師合作創立,有著喜愛瑜珈的共同興趣。從城市元素,生活經驗,擷取創作靈感。研究材料對於不同使用者的需求,並設計結合美感與高品質的產品。 YOGA+ASANA=YOGASANA

  2. YOGASANA is co-founded by architects living in Australia, Singapore, and Taiwan who share a common interest in yoga. Capture creative inspiration from urban elements and life experience. Research the needs of materials for different users, and design products that combine beauty and high quality.

  3. 評比材質與品牌與重點一次解析. 穩定與舒適的狀態,提供您高品質設計與質感瑜珈產品。. 榮獲紐約MUSE Design Awards/法國巴黎DNA Paris Design Awards/荷蘭Indigo Design Awards多項設計大獎 瑜珈墊 超止滑瑜珈墊 瑜珈鋪巾 旅行瑜珈墊 瑜珈繩 瑜伽輔具 瑜伽磚 軟木磚 軟木球 ...

    • Table of Contents
    • What Is An Asana?
    • The Science of Asanas
    • Asana Siddhi
    • Fine-Tuning Your Asanas
    • Still More on Asanas

    #1 What is an asana? #1.1 Asanas and emotions #1.2 Asanas and awareness #2 The science of asanas #2.1 84 asanas to attain #2.2 Yogasanas – creating health, joy and blissfulness #3 Asana Siddhi #3.1 Ease and stability – the third limb of yoga #3.2 Creating a device to receive the divine #4 Fine-tuning your asanas #4.1 Flexibility during asanas #4.2 ...

    Sadhguru: An asana is a posture. There are innumerable postures your body can take. Among these, certain postures have been identified as “yoga asanas” or yogasanas. “Yoga” means that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life. So, that kind of posture which leads you to a higher possibility is called a “yogasana.”

    The science of asanas is known as hatha yoga. “Ha” means sun, “ta” means moon. The first process of yoga is to bring balance between the masculine and feminine in you. Otherwise there will be no scaling of consciousness. This is why Shiva is known as Ardhanarishvara– one half of him is a woman, another half of him is a man. He is a man and the very...

    People who have taken up hatha yoga as their way of life generally take up one asana for their life’s sadhana. This is known as Asana Siddhi. Asana Siddhi means one is able to sit in a particular way with absolute ease. For most people, whichever way they keep their body, it is not at ease. If you sit, it is not comfortable. If you stand, it is not...

    Flexibility During Asanas

    Questioner: Does the amount of flexibility and the parts of the body that are flexible indicate something about the person’s mental state, their personality, or even their karmic structure? Sadhguru: That would be a very prejudiced way of looking at life. Let’s not get into judgments about people around you. That somebody is not able to bend or sit on the floor could have many reasons. It would be obnoxious and unnecessary to judge people like that. But to look at the question of flexibility...

    The Sequence of the Asanas

    Questioner: What is the importance of the sequence in which we are doing the asanas? Can we change the order? Sadhguru: The order is not something that you or I invented – it arises from the observation of how not only the physical body but the whole human system functions. The right postures create comfort In your system, there is something called skeletal comfort, muscular comfort, organ comfort, and energy comfort. If you sit in a reclining chair, your muscles will be comfortable, but your...

    Why You Shouldn’t Speak During Asanas

    Questioner: Why should we not speak when doing an asana or correct others while they are in an asana? Sadhguru: An asana is a dynamic way of meditating. Because you cannot sit still, you do something else to become meditative. To take you back to the Yoga Sutras – Patanjali said sthiram sukham asanam. That which is absolutely stable and comfortable is an asana. This means your body is at ease, your mind is at ease, and your energy is vibrant and balanced. Asanas are a preparatory step to come...

    Sitting Still – Settling the Mind and Body Sadhguru answers a question on what it takes to sit still for long periods of time, and speaks about the importance of settling the mind, body, emotion and energies. What Kind of Clothes Should You Wear For Yoga? Sadhguru looks at the importance of the right kind of clothing during sadhana, and the need to...

  4. YOGASANA的設計團隊 是一群熱愛瑜伽,在不同國家工作的建築設計師合作創立 以旅居多國的生活經驗與設計觀點,從城市元素中擷取創作靈感 觀察瑜珈練習者,整合使用不同品牌產品的心得 研究亞洲人對於瑜珈產品的需求與喜好 設計結合美感與高品質的

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