雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Funds transfer made between 09:00am and 03:00am of the following day will be available in 30 minutes in general. Instructions made outside the period will be processed at 9:00am. Deposit Available Time Table. Minimum deposit amount: HK$100. Maximum limit: HK$1,000,000 per day (customers can set own daily maximum amount)

  2. Central, Stanley Street shop offers enhanced betting facilities, quality F&B services (Lady M and Tic Tac Room) and themed leisure activities. Play Responsibly No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. Betting with illegal or ...

  3. 馬會建校的歷史始於戰後,當時逾四成人在15歲以下,教育設施不敷應用。馬會於1960年建成賽馬會實用中學,提供3年課程,裝備年青人為踏足社會或繼續升學作準備。隨著時代演進,學校兩次易名至現時提供7年課程的賽馬會官立中學

  4. Play Responsibly No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. Betting with illegal or overseas bookmakers is against the law and offenders may be liable to imprisonment. Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline

  5. 125週年紀念特輯. 馬會125週年及馬票開奬 (11:30) 馬會歷史篇 (2:30) 保職創職篇 (2:30) 馬票橫財篇 (2:30) 精益求精篇 (2:30)

  6. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated ...

  7. 北角電氣道投注處提供完善的投注設施,和由翡翠拉麵小籠包主理的永勝冰室,將餐飲及投注服務揉合在一起。 注意:全部黃昏賽事均在沙田馬舉行,日期為2024年6月2日、8日、15日和23;以及7月1日、6日和14日。