雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年7月5日 · 8月時學校放長假,許多人前往海灘或上山避暑,因此可以說是最適合從事游泳、露營、健行等活動的時期。 讀賣樂園. 前往「 東京Summerland 」等水上主題樂園就可以度過涼爽的夏日。 許多飯店也開放設施內的泳池給一般民眾使用,有時還能免費享受夜間游泳。 東京Summerland. 值得一看的祭典與煙火. 7月至8月期間的夜晚,到處都可以隨時聽見附近響起的太鼓聲響,當地居民會聚集在一起,透過跳盂蘭盆舞、享用點心或玩遊戲等方式來讚頌夏季,祭拜祖先。 神社則吊掛起紙製燈籠,人們也會穿著五顏六色的棉質浴衣。 淺草的七夕星祭(7月上旬)、靖國神社的神靈祭(7月中旬)、 高圓寺的熱鬧阿波舞 (8月下旬)也不容錯過。 當然說到夏季就會想起煙火,不妨換上浴衣前往河岸欣賞吧。

  2. 2023年7月19日 · 8月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: July 19, 2023. 推薦8月的東京嗎? 日本的8月正好是夏日祭典的高峰期,能夠參加各式各樣的活動。 8月的東京天氣如何? 東京在8月會變得炎熱,白天平均氣溫約27度,夜晚約23度。 尤其在8月中旬至下旬氣溫更高,請準備輕便且通風的服裝。 由於有可能遇到豪大雨或颱風,建議隨身攜帶折疊傘,有備無患。 平均降雨量是155毫米。 8月的人氣活動與祭典. 高圓寺阿波舞大會 於8月最後一個週末舉辦,是東京代表性的夏日祭典之一。 在為期2天的活動期間,會有大約1萬名舞者與100萬名觀眾前來參加,現場的傳統音樂、舞蹈及熱鬧氛圍都令人難以忘懷。 阿佐谷七夕祭 於每年8月上旬舉辦5天。

  3. 2024年5月15日 · 6月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: May 15, 2024. 推薦6月的東京嗎? 東京6月進入富有情調的梅雨季,街道上藍藍紫紫的繡球花恣意盛放,賞心悅目。 這個時期在室內外都有五花八門的活動,非常值得一遊。 6月的東京天氣如何? 東京6月進入梅雨季,溫暖而潮濕的氣候將持續一段時間。 一天的平均氣溫為23.2度。 由於溼度高,體感溫度也較高,建議穿著輕便衣物。 日照時間雖長,但也不要忘了帶傘。 6月的人氣活動與祭典. 東京的啤酒花園. 日本的合法飲酒年齡為20歲,而最適合這些成年人乘涼的地方就是 啤酒花園 。 百貨公司的天台、台場的沙灘、明治神宮外苑等,到處都可見到供應餐飲的啤酒花園。

    • Get An Umbrella
    • Visit The Shibuya Scramble Crossing
    • Go Shopping Underground
    • Visit Meiji Jingu Shrine
    • Tokyo Skytree & Tokyo Tower
    • Museums
    • Indoor Sports
    • Indoor Theme Parks
    • Onsen
    • Covered Yokocho

    First things first: get an umbrella if you need one. Most convenience stores have a selection of clear plastic umbrellas at reasonable prices (between 500 and 1,500 yen). Looking to find a unique umbrellathat will make a great souvenir? Check out Waterfront in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo Noble near Akihabara, or Komiya Shoten in Bakurocho.

    You’ve probably seen overhead photos or videos of the Shibuya Scramble Crossingin the rain: hundreds of people with umbrellas of all colors crossing every which way. Experience an iconic Tokyo scene for yourself! The Shibuya Scramble Crossing is just outside the Hachiko Exit of JR Shibuya Station.

    Explore one of Tokyo’s big underground shopping areas, many of which are part of train stations (Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Tokyo Station First Avenue). Tokyo Station First Avenue is home to Tokyo Character Street, where you can find merchandise for all sorts of famous Japanese characters, from Pokemon to Sailor Moon and more.

    If the rain isn’t coming down too hard, and you don’t mind being out in wet weather, you could enjoy a contemplative stroll through one of Japan’s many parks, shrines and temples. Meiji JinguShrine is a great option. There’s no better way to enjoy the serene atmosphere of the shrine grounds than in a light rain. If you’re lucky, the rain may even k...


    634 meters tall, the massive Skytreetowers above Tokyo's skyline. The Tembo Deck sits 350 meters high, and for an even higher vantage point, head to the Tembo Galleria at 450 meters. If you want an expansive view of Tokyo in the rain, this is a great spot. ©TOKYO-SKYTREE

    Tokyo Tower

    333-meter-high Tokyo Tower, which built in 1958, is still a landmark of Tokyo, as well as a symbol of Tokyo’s rebirth after World War II. ©TOKYO TOWER

    Located within some of the most notable architectural landmarks in the city, Tokyo’s must-see art destinations, which include the Mori Art Museum, the Nezu Museum, the Tokyo National Museum, and The National Art Center, Tokyo, play host to some of the hottest Japanese and international exhibitions. Two areas of Tokyo with museums and galleries that...

    If you want a bunch of sporty options, check about Round 1 in Odaiba, a giant complex with tennis, basketball, volleyball, baseball batting cages, swimming, rollerblading, and some arcade games to boot! The Bagus complex in Shibuya, meanwhile, has activities like table tennis, billiards and darts.

    If you want something on the cutting edge, the Tokyo Joypolis amusement park in Odaiba is a gamer’s paradise. Enjoy a huge range of exciting electronic entertainment you can only enjoy here. And they even have a roller coaster! Namjatown, Located in Ikebukuro's Sunshine City, is home to an eclectic collection of attractions, as well as a gyoza dump...

    Though numbers have dwindled in recent years, there are still many public baths to be found around city. Choose between a traditional, down-to-earth local sento (bathhouse) or opt for a more modern resort-style facility. Spa LaQuais a large spa/bathhouse near the Tokyo Dome. It features indoor baths, open-air baths, beauty treatments and massages, ...

    Yokochois Japanese for “alleyway,” but it has grown in meaning to refer to narrow streets lined with red lanterns and packed with izakayas and bars. Some of them, like Suzunari Yokocho in Shimokitazawa and Ebisu Yokocho , are covered or underground, offering a refuge from the rain where you can grab a drink and a bite!

  4. 隅田川煙火大會 是日本規模最大,也是東京人氣最高的煙火大會,現場會施放約2萬發煙火,每年的來訪人數約有95萬人。 煙火在流經淺草的隅田川上綻放,燦爛美麗。 Photo courtesy of Taito City. 足立煙火大會. 要不要在荒川河岸上欣賞東京最早的夏季煙火大會呢? 「 足立煙火 」擁有100年以上的歷史,屆時會在1小時內施放約15,000發煙火。 足立區街攝影大賽參賽作品 第2屆/hibiki. 立川祭 國營昭和紀念公園煙火大會. 國營昭和紀念公園視野寬敞開闊,讓您能夠盡情欣賞煙火全景。 現場將施放火花直徑達約400公尺的煙火,以及在日本全國大賽中留下好成績的煙火等,為民眾帶來一場充滿個性又嶄新的煙火盛宴。 立川祭 國營昭和紀念公園煙火大會. 七夕祭.

  5. 2020年11月25日 · 6) 美术馆和博物馆. 来到东京,绝对不能错过森美术馆、根津美术馆、东京国立博物馆、国立新美术馆等艺术景点。. 这些设施拥有醒目的建筑外观,并时常举办日本国内外知名艺术家的特别展览。. 上野公园和六本木也设有很多博物馆和艺廊,让人逛一整天也不 ...

  6. 2022年12月27日 · 櫻花泛指櫻亞屬樹木,通常分布在氣候溫暖的北半球地區,像是日本、中國、韓國、尼泊爾、印度、巴基斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗以及部分北歐地區,都能看見不同品種的櫻花。 日本不僅以擁有各類型的櫻花而出名,賞櫻期間全國各地充滿節慶氛圍的景象更是為人所知。 每當日本各地的公園及街道開滿櫻花時,人們就會席地野餐或舉行「 賞櫻會 」來讚頌轉瞬即逝的櫻花美景,並迎接即將來臨的溫暖季節。 日文中的「Sakura」(櫻花)一詞廣為人知,若說日本舉國上下都為櫻花風靡也不為過。 各類品種櫻花的開花時期略有不同。 在東京,多數的櫻花在3月底至4月初是開得最盛的時候。 這段期間,街上氣氛會跟著轉變,就如同春天象徵著新生命與新氣象的到來一樣,柔和的花香也為整個城市帶來活力與歡樂。