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  2. 半島有零星短暫陣雨,午後中南部地區及其他山區有局 部短暫雷陣雨。 16日東半部地區及恆春半島有局部短暫陣雨,其他地區 為多雲到晴,午後中南部地區及其他山區有局部短暫雷陣 雨。

  3. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  4. During the Moon's revolution around the Earth, it is called a full moon when the Moon moves to a difference of 180 degrees with respect to the longitude of the Sun. At this time the illuminated side of the moon is facing the Earth and a full moon can be seen.

  5. Heat Hazard Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Daily maximum temperature reaches 36 C. Reduce outdoor activities or work. Avoid strenuous exercise. Protect yourself from direct sun, stay hydrated, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat

  6. 風8至9級,船隻請特別注意。今(3日)下午起至晚間廣東 海面及南海平均風力將增強至6到7級,雷雨區最大陣風9至 10級,船隻請特別注意。明(4)日廣東海面及南海平均風 力將稍減弱。3、颱風及其外圍環流影響,東海南部平均風力11至12級

  7. 2023年4月19日 · Earthquake Report (Local) Origin Time: 2023/04/19 15:49:08 Epicenter: 23.41 N, 121.3 E 72.3 km SSW of Hualien County Hall Focal depth: 10.8 km Magnitude (M L): 3.8 Intensity