雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 大新銀行港元定期存款利率 相關



  1. 2024年5月20日 · 陪月保險主要保障內容是按法例所要求提供僱員補償保險為受保僱員於工作期間受傷所承擔的醫療費用及法律責任每宗事故最高保障額為一億港元部分勞工保險會包含僱員個人責任保障僱員人身意外保障或誠信保障

  2. 2023年8月10日 · 幾時要比?. 「墊底費」又稱為「自負額 (excess)」,是保單中一個預先設定的金額,索償時保單持有人就須向保險公司支付該金額。. 例如索償總數 $15,000,保單附設墊底費 $5,000,保單持有人要自行付出 $5,000 自負額,索償餘數 $10,000 則會由保險公司賠償。. 自負 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Car Park Charges
    • License Fee
    • Fuel Expense
    • Motorcycle Insurance
    • Vehicle Depreciation and Repair

    With their petite size, shouldn't it be cheaper for motorbikes to park than for regular cars? That is correct. Based on the Shau Kei Wan parking lot, the monthly car park charges for a standard car are HKD $2,100; for a motorbike, they're a measly HKD $340. This is a massive 6 times difference! On the other hand, the daily parking rate is HKD $80 f...

    All vehicles driving in the streets of Hong Kong are required by law to pay a license fee. You have the option to pay yearly, or every four months. Note that paying every four months will cost you more. With that said, if you're certain you'll be driving your motorbike in the long run, choose to pay a lump sum annually to save up. Car license fees ...

    At the time of writing this article (October 21st, 2020), every litre of fuel is priced at $14.78. Motorcycles are on the petite side, so fuel use is naturally more economical. Depending on your driving habits and mileage, your fuel expense will fluctuate.

    Under the requirements of the existing legislation in Hong Kong, all drivers must at least purchase third-party insurance for their vehicles. Breaking this law will net you a hefty penalty fee of $10,000 and 12-month of imprisonment. With that said, the premium rate for third-party insurance is cheaper compared to comprehensive insurance. Nonethele...

    Both cars and motorcycles are susceptible to depreciation, particularly if your bike is secondhand. Don't know how to repair your bike? Hiring a mechanic can be incredibly pricey. For instance, motor oil, spark plug, transmission fluid, oil filter, cooling fan, tire, and more - these all need to be replaced every once in a while. As a best practice...

  3. 2024年3月11日 · 以一輛售價 30 萬港元的車輛分 5 年供款,「首期約需 2-3 萬港元相比租購Hire Purchase形式出車的利率一般較低。 汽車貸款|申請上會文件、流程. 車行或代理會為買家辦理上會手續,買家只需要提供入息證明、身份證明文件及住址證明,之後等待數個工作天便可知道批核情況及利率。 汽車貸款|私人貸款. 私人貸款即是自行向銀行或財務公司申請可分期攤還的借貸方式,買家可按個人需要決定借貸金額,以及比較多家銀行不同的利率,提供更大彈性。 最重要是貸款利率較上會低,而且毋須交出「牌簿」作為抵押,將來賣車毋須先付清貸款才可取回牌簿。 部分銀行有提供專為購買車輛而設的貸款,除了車價,連帶保險、配件、登記費及牌費也可一併申請貸款,降低出車成本。 汽車貸款|申請私人貸款流程.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  4. 2020年11月2日 · Union Hospital. Union Hospital provides health screening packages for both men and women, in tiers like Basic, Standard, Elite, Executive, and Supreme. It also offers assessments for drivers and domestic helpers. Women health checkup packages: HKD $890 to HKD $9,450. Men health checkup packages: HKD $890 to HKD $9,000.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  5. 2024年4月17日 · Contact number: +85236510200. The Consulate officials will issue an ID407 standard contract form (1 set of 4 copies): One copy for the Indonesian consulate. One copy for the immigration office for the work visa renewal process (see step 3) One copy for the employer. One copy for the Indonesian domestic worker.

  6. For commercial vehicles all third party plans sold will cover at the mandatory amount of HKD 100,000,000 for any one event resulting in injury or death of a third party. But, when it comes to damage to a third party's property, commercial vehicle insurance plans will usually only cover between HKD 500,000 and HKD 1,000,000.