雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 目前鄭康祺先生擁有下列的專業證書及資格: 香港理工學院 - 會計專業 (1975年) 英國特許公認會計師公會資深會員 [FCCA] 香港稅務學會資深會員 [FTIHK] 特許稅務師 [CTA] 鄭康祺先生在以下上市公司擔任獨立非執行董事職務: 大中華控股 (香港)有限公司 - 股份編號21 [Great China Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited] 智易控股有限公司 - 股份編號8100 [GET Holdings Limited] 進騰集團有限公司 - 股份編號2011 [Gilston Group Limited]

  2. 目前鄭康祥先生擁有下列專業證書及資格: 香港中文大學學士學位 - 會計專業 (1986年) 香港會計師公會會員及執業會計師 [CPA (Practising)] 英國特許公認會計師公會資深會員 [FCCA] 香港稅務學會資深會員 [FTIHK] 特許稅務師 [CTA]

  3. 陳碩智先生簡歷. 陳碩智先生於二零零四年加入本公司。. 在此之前,他曾於一九九六年在本公司以實習生身份工作兩個月。. 他於二零一二年一月成為本公司董事之一。. 陳先生曾在英國留學,並在一九九九年於英國劍橋大學畢業。. 畢業回港後,他受聘於畢馬威 ...

  4. 目前楊文堅先生擁有下列的專業證書及資格: 香港科技大學學士學位 - 工商管理學 (2005) 香港會計師公會會員及執業會計師 [CPA (Practising)]

  5. Director - TONG Yat Hung. Yat Hung joined the board of Cheng & Cheng Limited in May 2004. He graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic (now renamed as The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) in 1976 and spent 4 years with the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department. After that he has been engaged in professional practice his entire career. Yat Hung ...

  6. Steve Yeung joined Cheng & Cheng Limited in 2006 as Audit Trainee after he had graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and obtained Bachelor of Business Administration in 2005. Steve has developed his professional skills in financial reporting, auditing and taxation during his time in Cheng & Cheng Limited. He was ...

  7. Director – CHAN Mei Yee, Rita. Rita Chan joined the firm in 2016 and was promoted to Director in the Audit and Assurance division in 2020. She obtained a Master Degree in Business Administration from The University of Hull in 2006. She has extensive experience in handling audit assignments. Prior to joining the firm, she had worked in audit ...