雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Print. 电子邮件. 更多. 成田国际机场及周边旅游攻略. 東京リッチサンド. 这款可口怡人的烘饼被当地人誉为“美味可口的甜味三明治”。 烘饼中掺有烤杏仁,散发着让人垂涎欲滴的独特香味,中间夹入乳白色巧克力,美味非凡。 相信我们,你的味蕾一定会爱上它的绝妙滋味。 地址: 千叶县成田市古込1-1东京食宾馆礼品区 营业时间: 7.30am – 8.30pm 电话: +81-4-7632-8685 http://www.narita-airport-e-shop.com/page/11_omotasedokoro_yo_03.html. 关键词: 特产, 成田机场, 美食, 东京, 餐厅. 寿司田供应时令鲜鱼。 这家餐厅的优点之一在于你不必点过多的菜,你可以按菜单随意点菜。

  2. 从樱花烂漫、夏季烟花到迷人秋叶和彩灯展,这些季节性的独特风景,一定会让你爱上东京。

  3. 1. This traditional wooden shrine memorialises four famous philosophers – Confucius and Buddha from the East, and Socrates and Kant from the West. 2. A red hexagonal tower pays tribute to six Asian sages, two each from China, Japan and India. 3.

  4. Address: 1-9-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Opening hours: Opening hours: 10am – 6pm (until 8pm on Fridays); Closed: Mondays and the New Year holidays Tel: +81 3 3212 2485 http://www.ejrcf.or.jp/gallery/english/index.html. Keywords: Tokyo, cuisine, Tokyo Station. Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈)

    • 成都景點1
    • 成都景點2
    • 成都景點3
    • 成都景點4
    • 成都景點5
  5. This 700-metre path on the west side of the Imperial Palace is lined with approximately 260 cherry blossom trees – it’s almost like a cherry blossom tunnel! If you want to see Japan’s most famous tree in all its gorgeous splendour, then look no further.

  6. The vibrant city of Tokyo houses a wide array of non-profit and commercial galleries showcasing the best of Japanese and international contemporary art. Here’s our list of seven of the best to visit. Mori Art Museum (森美術館)

  7. Here are five temples and shrines that offer peaceful repose amid the daily hustle and bustle. Sensō-ji (浅草寺) You can’t walk past this temple without seeing tourists taking pictures in front of the iconic “Kaminarimon” (Thunder Gate).

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