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  3. 1. The Journey must be departed from Hong Kong. 2. The Insured Person(s) must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. 3. The individual application for insurance is required for persons aged 18 or above. 4. The application must be duly signed by a parent or

  4. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) Hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the Insured Person. Failure to disclose may mean that the policy will not provide the Insured Person with the coverage required ...

  5. 保障計劃之條款及細則,概以中銀集團保險的保單上所載為准。 受保人須受中銀集團保險不時修改之服務細則及保單條款約束。 只須以中銀Visa Infinite理財卡支付交通、住宿、旅遊套票、及/或未使用但不獲退回的預繳費用註1,便可享高達780萬港元的旅遊保險;於旅途中患病或遭遇意外不幸受傷,國際救援(亞洲)公司會提供醫療及緊急撤離援助服務,為您及您的家人註2. 出行時提供最佳的安全保障。 基本保障. 索償須知. 若要提出索償,受保人在發生事故後30天內,提交索償申請表(可在中銀集團保險網頁www.bocgroup.com/bocg-ins/下載) 或以書面方式通知中銀集團保險,並自費提供各項證明文件:如意外證明文件、醫療證明、警方報告(如有報警)及/或其他相關文件。

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  7. 地區District _____ 香港HK 九龍KLN 新界NT 6. 投保家居地址 2 (如與上述地址不同) Address of the Insured Home 2 (if different from the above address)