雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 監管局董事局於2021年11月16日舉行會議,並委任五個常設委員會的主席,以監督監管局不同範疇的工作。 董事局全體成員名單已載於監管局網頁,而各常設委員會的主席名單則如下: . the chairmen of its five standing committees to oversee various aspects of the EAA’s work. The full list of the EAA Board members is published on the EAA’s website and the chairmen of the standing committees are as follows: 新聞速遞 NEWS EXPRESS.

  2. 地產代理良好處理劏房租賃約章. Charter on Good Practices of Estate Agents in Handling Subdivided Unit Tenancy. 「經由持牌地產代理/營業員出租劏房」單張. “Letting of subdivided units by licensed estate agents/salespersons” leaflet. 消費者教育短片:境外樓花買唔買?. 計過風險先好買 ...

  3. 監管局歡迎新任主席及成員. (2020 年10 月30 日)地產代理監管局(「 監管局」)歡迎政府今日宣布委任廖玉玲女士JP( 見附圖)接替梁永祥教授SBS,JP 於2020 年11 月1 日起出任監管局董事局主席。. 監管局同時歡迎政府委任蕭澤宇先生BBS,JP,於同日起出任監管局董事局副主席 ...

  4. 查詢時的專業和積極態度。憑藉處理查詢時的出色表現,牌照部朱靄嫣女士及機構傳訊部林家琪女士於2020年11 . 10日獲申訴專員頒發獎項。這已是連續第六年有監管局員工獲頒發申訴專員嘉許獎,局方會繼續為業 . 及公眾提供優質客戶服務。The EAA has recently been awarded ...

  5. 獲取持續專業進修計劃優越嘉許銀章的持牌人名單 (2019-2021) List of Awardees of the Premium CPD Attainment Symbol - Silver (2019-2021) . 取持續專業進修計劃優越嘉許銀章的持牌人名單 (2019-2021) List of Awardees of the Premium CPD Attainment Symbol. Silver (2019-2021)( 註: 只列載同意將其名字和 ...

  6. 監管局成員凌潔心女士. s Imma LING Kit-sum Member of the EAA本期《專業天地》專訪了監管局成員凌潔心女士,了解一下她對監管局. 作及業界專業水平的看法。In this issue of Horizons, we interview Ms Imma LING Kit-sum, member of the EAA, about her views on the EAA’s work a. d the trade’s professional ...

  7. Chair Professor of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong Director, Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research, The University of Hong Kong. Member, Home Purchase Allowance Appeals Committee. Member, Industry Consultative Network, Real Estate Agency, Employees Retraining Board. Member, Appeals Tribunal (Building) (2002 ...

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