雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 法國電動輪椅公司 相關

  2. 怎様選擇輪椅 輪椅種類繁多,超過16年的中藥機械製造和康復產品。零售經驗 供應. 選擇適合座椅寬度、深度、高度、靠背及扶手的高度,毎位便用人士身型都不同,最好親身試坐。


  1. 我們提供了語音導航自動櫃員機方便視障客戶使用自助銀行服務我們的分行設置了斜坡通道方便使用輪椅人士進出同時提供鳴鐘設施以便客戶服務大使及時為有需要人士提供協助另外我們的分行亦提供助聽系統方便聽障客戶與我們同事溝通

  2. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  3. 慈善及義工活動. 定期組織各項義工活動,包括沙灘清潔活動、兒童院及長者探訪、慈善公益百萬行及各項賑災工作. 鼓勵員工在工餘時間參與有益身心的慈善及義工活動,並設有薪「義工假期」以示支持.

  4. Act now to grasp every business opportunity. Loan Features. Financing percentage up to 90% of equipment cost. Flexible repayment period. Flexible loan tenures of up to 5 years. Attractive interest rate. Flexible arrangement. Equipment can be used in Hong Kong or Mainland China. "Sale and Lease Back" Arrangement available 1.

  5. If you would like to enquire about our trade services, please contact our Trade Services Centre at +852 3988 2288 or e-mail trade_products@bochk.com. Our Trade Services Centre is located at 9/F Bank of China Centre, Olympian City, 11 Hoi Fai Road, West Kowloon Hong Kong (Business hotline: (852) 3988 2288). Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow?

  6. ‧ 「大家減齡獎賞程式為法國再保險公司SCOR旗下的保險科技公司ReMark在香港地區為大家減齡獎賞計劃會員獨家提供及管理。 ‧ 有關「大家減齡」之會籍、獎賞程式、活動、 一〇幣、獎賞、條款及細則及其他詳情,請參閱「大家減齡」獎賞程式及官方網站。

  7. BOCHK i-Free Banking provides you with one-stop financial services, including HKD savings/current account, Multi-Currency Savings Account (up to 14 foreign currencies) and payroll service etc. Through an integrated account together with our multiple service ...