雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 6 September 2017, Hong Kong, New York & London – Standard Chartered has appointed three regional Vice Chairs for its Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) business to develop and strengthen its key strategic client relationships across Greater China and North Asia (GCNA), the Americas and Europe.

  2. 2022年2月22日 · Asia, Africa and the Middle East are home to the world’s most dynamic markets. And with a 170-year history in these regions, we can help you thrive. Singapore – Standard Chartered Bank (the Bank) today announced the appointments of Xie Wen as Global Head, Business Banking and Mohamed Keraine as Global Head, Digital for its Consumer, Private and Business Banking (CPBB) business.

  3. 2023年5月17日 · 步驟1. 於sc.com/hk/zh/ 的右上角按「登入」再按 「渣打網上理財」。 步驟2. 在「個人銀行客戶」或「信用卡客戶」下按「登記」。 步驟3. 個人銀行客戶. 憑提款卡登記. 輸入您的 提款卡號碼 及 櫃員機密碼. 或 憑電話理財卡登記. 輸入您的 電話理財號碼 及 電子理財私人密碼 。 信用卡客戶. 輸入您的 信用卡號碼 、 有效期限 、 出生日期 及 香港身份證號碼 。 步驟4. 確認您在本行登記的手提電話號碼,您的手機會收取一次有效密碼的短訊。 步驟5. 輸入您的一次有效密碼。 步驟6. 設定您的用戶名稱及密碼。 大部分客人都在使用網上理財作以下用途… 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 查閱賬戶轉賬. 查閱信用卡交易. 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 步驟1.

  4. Standard Chartered is one of the oldest international banks in China, with our first branch in Shanghai set up in 1858 and continuous operations thereafter. We were among the first batch of international banks locally incorporated in China in April 2007. We have outlets across nearly 30 coastal and in-land cities in China, a testimony of our ...

  5. 渣打的消費金融、私人理財暨中小企業銀行事業總處以創新的金融科技讓客戶能輕易透過數位與行動平台完成各項金融交易與服務,憑藉對當地市場脈動與全球貿易網絡的掌握,我們的企業、金融機構暨商業銀行事業總處能隨時滿足企業客戶的需求,並與國際金融趨勢無縫接軌。 而與永續發展議題的緊密結合,更是渣打在推展業務的同時,也全面朝淨零排放的目標邁進。 以人為本,渣打廣納賢才。 目前在台員工人數超過2,500位,並有近七成為傑出的女性行員。 渣打集團在倫敦證交所、香港證交所掛牌上市。

  6. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

  7. Raymond Cheng is the Bank’s Chief Investment Officer, North Asia. He leads a team of investment strategists across mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea to champion the CIO office’s views internally and externally across the Affluent segment in the region.

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