雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月23日 · Learning Japanese by picking up the crucial words you need to learn a new skill makes vocabulary-building both immediately applicable and much more exciting! 7. Teach English. This is a little counter-intuitive, but English camps that are well-attended by Japanese kids are also good venues for practicing Japanese.

  2. 2017年9月6日 · Build Connections for Future Perks. Exchanging business cards or meishi is part of Japanese culture, even kids do them as you meet them for the first time. So, joining as a volunteer teacher may just give you the chance to meet future leaders of Japan. But if you want benefits to claim at the present time, stay connected to the teacher ...

  3. 2017年8月11日 · Charlie Moritz came to Japan in summer 2012, barely knowing how to read hiragana and with no teaching qualifications or experience. Fast forward five years and he's now freelancing as a web developer in Tokyo, teaching part-time at two schools and making ...

  4. 2017年12月11日 · As there are lots of ways to learn a foreign language, you may be unable to make up your mind which is best for you. This article will propose one surefire way of learning that just may be helpful in your everyday life.

  5. 2015年11月16日 · You'll hear these words quite often in Japan, and even use them yourself once you get accustomed to them. They're all variants on the idea of "any (something)." 1. Itsudemo (いつでも) = Anytime 2. Nandemo (なんでも) = Whatever, anything 3. Dokodemo (どこでも) = Wherever, anywhere ...

  6. 2018年4月20日 · A post shared by Hanna (@jpn_hanna) on Apr 20, 2018 at 4:18pm PDT. Jpn_hanna gets us to the starting point in our journey of learning Japanese with daily kana! She includes the stroke order, direction, useful vocabulary and totally kawaii drawings for each. This is how many textbooks teach hiragana and katakana, so you're getting a great deal ...

  7. 在工作無法配合上課的情況下,我又回到了自學日文的階段,我開始在網路上找日文教學影片,而且只要我一有空我就開始利用這些影片學日文。. 以下這些是我覺得對我的日文學習非常有幫助的資源: 書 (英) Instant Japanese, by Boye Lafayette De Mente (Tuttle Publishing ...