雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  2. Manage your personal details online with HSBC Hong Kong. Log on with your username and password to update your profile, change your address, and more.

  3. 無需出售資產,即可獲得高達港幣3,900元信用額度的流動資金,可用於追加投資、繳付保費或商業融資 接納多元化抵押資產 滙財組合貸款、投資融資和保費融資都可供多元化的資產作抵押,助您達成財富目標,滿足您的保障所需

  4. 滙豐分期「萬應錢」私人貸款. 預先設定每月私人貸款還款額,讓您理財更有預算. 可隨時提取備用現金,不設固定還款期,並享首3個月2.90%優惠利率(實際年利率為2.92% [@loans-introrate]). 將不同信用卡及貸款的結餘一次過集中為一筆高達月薪23倍或港幣300元的 ...

  5. 私人貸款好處. 相對於創業貸款,向銀行申請私人貸款手續較簡單,門檻可能亦較低,或會是相對較可取的方法。. 市面上有銀行還可為其出糧戶口客戶或於銀行有入息証明的客戶,於幾分鐘內批核貸款。. 所以,只要有心,哪有藉口不快快行動,開展真正屬於 ...

  6. 僱主及調職僱員需注意以下事項:. 「現僱主」. 「現僱主」必須向滙豐強積金匯報有關調職僱員的離職詳情及支付最後一期供款。. 你可透過書面或電子付款結算書匯報該僱員的供款及離職詳情,並於離職代號一欄填上「GO」,代表該僱員於公司間之轉移 ...

  7. HSBC Broking is a trusted broker dealer in Hong Kong. It provides investment services including Risk Profiling, Accounts, investment knowledge, etc.