雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年2月21日 · 虛擬銀行定期利率優惠 ZA Bank 眾安銀行 成功開設定期存款後,可於推廣期( 2024年1月1日至2024年4月30日) 每個星期二中午 12 點前往 ZA Bank App 的活動頁面用指定數量的 ZA Coin 兌換 ZA Bank 的指定扭蛋,打開扭蛋後可得一張定存加息券。

  2. 2024年4月24日 · 近年,在美國加息的影響下,香港銀行的活期利率亦有所增加,不少銀行均推出高息活期存款優惠搶客。 活期存款靈活而且方便,能夠幫助大家理財,亦可減輕通脹對生活的壓力。

    • Allow Immediate Money Transferral
    • Make Easy Payments
    • Offer Attractive Rebates
    • Offer High-Interest Rates
    • Allow Multi-Currency Savings
    • Good Rates & Multi-Currency For Fixed Deposits

    Transferring money in and out of the virtual banks was generally easy once it was set up. Some of them do not have branch codes which makes it a little more complicated. Yet, FPS is available and the transaction is reflected immediately. Users should be reminded that a few transactions may be needed when transferring large amounts of money due to t...

    Banks such as Livi, Mox, WeLab, and ZA provide different payment gateways to spend money. Some allow you to add a virtual debit card to Apple Pay or Google Pay (ZA only lets you use Apple Pay at the time of writing). Livi uses UnionPay as well. Some (Mox, WeLab, ZA) send you a plastic card to use. You can check all of your transactions on the app, ...

    These virtual banks usually offer quite attractive rebates to their customers whenever they make transactions. Different forms of rebates and rebates rates may change from time to time and depend on promotions. Here are some rebates that the virtual banks are offering at the time of writing: 1. Mox gives you a rebate of 0.5% 2. Livi gives you (with...

    Virtual Banks may pay you higher interest rates in HKD compared to your usual bank. If you have spare cash and want to maximise your returns, the following sequence may work for you (depending on how much you have to spare): 1. $20,000 in Airstar (earns 3.6% p.a. for 95 days) 2. $20,000 in Ant – open a Libre account (earns 2% p.a.) 3. $50,000 in Li...

    Airstar, Fusion and ZA provide you with savings accounts in Renminbi (CNY) and US Dollars (USD) if that is something you want. In CNY, the best rate is given by Fusion (1% pa) and in USD the best rate is provided by Airstar (0.10% pa).

    Time deposits are available in CNY and USD in Airstar, Fusion, and ZA while HKD fixed deposits are available from Airstar, Fusion, ZA, and WeLab. The tenors vary across banks and depend on the currency. 1. For example, in Renminbi (CNY), Fusion has good rates at short tenors while Airstar has good rates at longer tenors. 2. In USD, Airstar gives yo...

  3. 2021年2月23日 · 現時市面上有多間虛擬銀行,暫時只有 ZA Bank 及 平安壹賬通 設有公司戶口服務。虛擬銀行的開戶及業務往來收費幾乎全免,手續簡單,只需要使用手機或於網上就能完成開戶,方便初創公司或小額資金往來的網店。

  4. 2023年9月8日 · 銀行定期受存款保障計劃保障,每位存款人的存款最高可獲得$50萬保障。 相反, 儲蓄保險並不受存款保障計劃保障 ,如保險公司不幸未能履行保單的財務和合約義務,保單持有人或會損失所有已繳保費及保障。

  5. 2021年12月15日 · 專家教你如何選擇. 香港定期人壽保險保費. 定期人壽保險 的保費設計主要分為兩種—水平保費及每年調整保費。 水平保費是指在某年期內保費維持不變,通常設定在5年、10年及20年;而每年調整保費的模式則容許保險公司逐年提升或降低保費。 因此,在考慮每年調整保費的定期壽險時,可比較每月保費支出︰. 25歲非吸煙男性(每年續保) 25歲非吸煙女性(每年續保) 由於 水平保費 只是將未來風險對應的保費平均分配於每一年,在考慮水平保費的定期壽險時,應預估整個年期的保費總支出︰. 25歲非吸煙男性(10年續保) 25歲非吸煙女性(10年續保) * 資料來源︰10Life(於2021年9月更新)

  6. 2021年5月24日 · 香港現有8 家虛擬銀行及數家虛擬保險,日後還有虛擬MPF(現稱積金易),但香港缺乏足夠的金融科技人才滿足這些新興虛擬金融機構的需要,一眾金融科技企業求才若渴,不但以高薪厚職吸引人才,亦應設有股權獎勵制度,未來科技迅速發展推動快速增長,從

  1. 虛擬銀行定期優惠 相關

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