雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. the last radiance of the setting sun
    • 2. momentary recovery of consciousness just before death

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  2. 2020年4月3日 · Shinjuku Gyoen is one of the largest parks in Tokyo, and contains a several attractions for enjoying the elegance of nature across all seasons. The garden landscape features a mishmash of Japanese, French and English gardens, as well as a greenhouse housing tropical flora and fauna and a picturesque wooden Old Imperial Rest House.

  3. 1.晃動繩子把鐘搖響,鐘的響聲有兩個功效,一是告訴神靈有人來參拜,一是為參拜者驅邪。 註意搖繩子時不要用力過猛。 2.把香火錢放在功德箱內。 3.向神社鞠躬行禮兩次。 4.拍手兩次。 5.祈禱。 6.再鞠躬行禮一次。 以上方法是比較常規的做法,因地方和神社不同,做法上也有差異。 並不是每個祈禱處都有鐘,如果沒有則省略鳴鐘這一步。 另外有些地方在“鳴鐘投錢,二禮二拍祈禱再一禮”前後,各加一次輕微鞠躬;遠近聞名的島根縣出雲大社,不是拍兩次手而是四次。 更正規的做法是在完成以上事項之後吟誦祈禱詞“天津祝詞”。

  4. 2020年9月7日 · After getting off the train at Kido-Nanzoin-mae Station (via the Fukuhoku Yutaka Line), head across the bridge toward the temple. Make your way to the entrance and feel free to peruse the many souvenir stores for merchandise of the famous Buddha.

  5. 下面介紹的是日本人最常戴在身上或用作禮品的六種幸運護身符。 6.健康護身符. 這種護身符是【健康護身符】,會保護妳的身體,讓妳遠離疾病,健康長壽。 5.財運護身符. 這種護身符稱為【商賣繁盛符】。 無論是對個人的生意還是公司來說,它都會帶來好運和財運。 4.愛情護身符. 這種護身符叫做【緣結】,會帶給妳浪漫的邂逅,愛情和婚姻。 傳言它能幫單身者找到未來的伴侶哦。 3.學業護身符. 這種護身符,叫做【學業成就符】。 傳說它能給專注學業的學生帶來好運。 對想學習生活中知識的人來說,它也能帶來庇護。 在學生準備考試的期間,大家都會帶著學業護身符。 2.交通安全護身符. 這種護身符,叫做【交通安全符】。 會庇佑旅途上的人們一路平安。 本來這個護身符只是用在安全駕駛上,現在已經延伸到所有出行方式。

  6. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. SoraNews24 Updated January 26, 2017. Business First Time in Japan Deeper Japan Life in Japan. kaigai-matome.net. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1.

  7. 2018年3月2日 · The Yushin Ravines is located in Kanagawa prefecture and is another place great for a hiking trip that can be visited in a day trip from Tokyo. The hiking course here will take about 2 hours to reach the main spot of the ravines – the intersection of the Kurokura Dam and Kurokura River.

  8. 2017年12月21日 · pixta.jp. The Hakone Sekisho (箱根関所), or Hakone Checkpoint, was the first major checkpoint on the Tokaido (東海道) highway connecting Edo (now Tokyo) with Kyoto. Constructed in 1619 and used until 1869, it was one of 53 such checkpoints used by the Tokugawa government to control travel between cities during the Edo Period (1603-1868).